
[경제]11 people died in 5 years in a mechanical car park accident… Why?


More than 10 people have died in five years in a mechanized car park which is designed to be high and deep and has a high risk of serious injury in the event of an accident.

Analysts say this is due to the fact that the completion rate of maintenance training for managers who need to manage safety is low and can be implemented even if it fails the safety inspection.

Reporter Choi Ki-Sung reported.


A car was completely overturned.

In January, the driver died when a vehicle was parked in a mechanical parking lot in Jangan-dong, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul.

This happened while the manager who received safety training was away for a while.

At the same time, in a mechanical parking lot in Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, an employee working on maintenance was suddenly hit by a fallen vehicle and died.

The keeper who should be on site was not present at the time.

In the last five years, 11 people have been killed in mechanical parking accidents.

By August this year, four people had lost their lives.

Firstly, the low rate of completion of continuing education is identified as the main reason.

The maintenance training includes safety related content such as maintenance and management of mechanical parking lots, measures to take after an accident, and how to respond to faults.

Although it is required to receive maintenance training for managers in the third year after completing the new training, the completion rate is less than half.

[김대기 / 한국교통안전공단 주차안전처 부장 : 기계식 주차 장치 관리인이 대부분 고령자인 점, 이직 또는 퇴직률이 높은 직무인 점 등의 사유로 보수교육 수료율이 낮습니다.]

An old car park that is not properly maintained is another case in point.

Of the 37,000 mechanized car parks across the country, around 14,000 have been built over the past 20 years.

Between 2018 and last August, 18 out of 43 ‘serious accidents’ occurred in old mechanical car parks that were more than 10 years old.

Attention is also drawn to the fact that poor management regulations also exacerbate the problem.

In principle, a ‘prohibited use’ sign must be placed if it is deemed non-compliant in the close safety inspection, but there is no regulation itself to check if it is attached or if the operation is stopped.

In the last 5 years, out of 27,000 precision security audits, there were 10,000 non-conformities, accounting for 37.3%.

[홍기원 / 더불어민주당 의원(국회 국토교통위원회) : 현재 4년으로 되어 있는 노후 기계식 주차장의 정밀안전검사 유효 기간을 줄이고, 검사를 받지 않는 경우에 행정처분을 강화하는 것과 같은 제도를 전반적으로 개선할 필요가 있습니다.]

An amendment bill was proposed which could force the head of local government to stop the operation if the ban was not implemented, but it is currently pending in the Standing Committee of the National Assembly.

This is Choi Ki-ganu from YTN.

YTN Ki-Sung Choi (

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