
[경제]Minimize electricity rate hikes… Possibility of postponement of announcement on the 21st


Ahead of the third quarter electricity rate decision, the government is deeply concerned.

Looking at KEPCO’s management status, an increase in electricity rates is inevitable.

For this reason, there is an observation that the date of the announcement of electricity rates scheduled for the day after tomorrow may be delayed.

Reporter Park Hong-gu on the sidewalk.


Electricity rates are set quarterly to reflect changes in fuel costs.

At the same time, we requested the government to overhaul the electricity rate system in consideration of the business situation caused by the surge in international energy prices.

Based on the data submitted by KEPCO, the government will decide whether or not to increase the electricity rate and the extent to be announced on the 21st.

Considering the worst business situation of a loss of 7.8 trillion won in the first quarter, an increase in electricity rates is inevitable, but the government is in a position to minimize the increase.

[추경호 / 경제부총리 : 국제 에너지 가격 급등으로 생산원가 부담이 가중되고 있는 전기·가스요금은 뼈를 깎는 자구노력 등을 통해 인상을 최소화하겠습니다.]

This is interpreted to mean that KEPCO will not accept KEPCO’s request as it is because the increase in utility rates adversely affects consumer prices.

Last month, utility bills such as electricity and city gas rose 9.6% from a year ago, the highest rate since 2010.

The increase in utility rates was a major factor in the 5.4% rise in consumer prices last month.

Moreover, it is difficult to accept KEPCO’s rate hike plan in the third quarter, as the demand for energy increases due to the holiday season, which could accelerate the inflation rate.

However, the argument that the current electricity rate system needs to be improved is also gaining persuasiveness in that KEPCO’s deterioration in management ultimately leads to a burden on the public.

Therefore, there is a forecast that the government will postpone the decision on whether to raise electricity rates and continue internal discussions a little longer to find fundamental improvement measures.

This is YTN Park Hong-goo.

YTN Park Hong-gu (

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