
[국제]During documentary filming, “I killed” Jain… He paid for his crime after 21 years


A third-generation American real estate tycoon has been sentenced to life in prison while filming a documentary.

He formed a luxurious defense team and protracted the trial for six years, but he could not escape the judgment of the law.

Reporter Jun-seok Ho reports.


Robert Durst, a 78-year-old real estate tycoon, is sitting in a wheelchair in court.

Assets are in the trillions of won.

Last month, a jury found that Dust had killed a friend, and it’s the day the judges finally deliver their sentences.

[마크 윈덤 / 미 로스엔젤레스 고등법원 판사 : 더스트씨. 법에 따라 가석방이 불가능한 종신형을 선고합니다.]

Dust’s wife, Kathleen, disappeared suddenly in 1982.

In 2000, his old friend Susan Berman was murdered.

There were suspicions that Dust had killed a friend who knew something about Kathleen’s disappearance, but there was no evidence.

In 2013, a documentary about this event was made. Dust even did an interview.


[로버트 더스트 / 2013년 HBO 다큐멘터리 촬영 중 : 도대체 내가 뭔 짓을 했던 거야? 물론 내가 다 죽여버렸지.]

These words, which he uttered in the bathroom thinking the microphone was off, were put on trial in 2015.

And six years later, he was sentenced to death for the murder of his friend.

[그레이스 버먼 / 수전 버먼의 친척 : 저 사람이 아주 오래 살길 바랍니다. 역사상 가장 오래 산 살인자로 기록돼야 해요.]

The drama is not over.

The defense team plans to appeal, and prosecutors are preparing charges for the murder of his wife.

Still, the victims’ families relieved their pain a little after 21 years.

[데이비 버먼 / 수전 버먼의 사촌 : 오늘 아침 수전에게 찾아갔어요. 이제 편히 쉴 수 있다고, 정의가 실현됐다고 말해줬습니다.]

This is YTN Ho Jun-seok.

YTN Ho Jun-seok (

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
