
[국제]Most absenteeism due to spread of U.S. infection… National Guard, teachers are deployed

Oregon to send 1,200 National Guard to 40 hospitals
New Mexico Uses National Guard and Civil Servants as Substitute Teachers


In the United States, as the number of infected people increases due to the spread of Omicron, the shortage of manpower in each industry is deepening, with 8.8 million people absent from work in the last two weeks.

Following the aviation industry, the medical industry appealed for countermeasures, but now it has spread to schools, and the National Guard, civil servants, and even retired teachers are being put in.

Correspondent Kang Tae-wook in Washington DC.


A hospital in Dallas, Oregon, USA.

The National Guard has been dispatched to this place where there is a shortage of manpower.

Training is provided to the hospital before being put into full-scale work.

[병원 관계자 / 웨스트밸리 병원 : 우리는 더 많은 인원을 필요로 할 뿐만 아니라 직원 배치에도 몇 가지 문제가 있었습니다. 이것이 바로 여러분이 우리와 함께 하는 것이고 매우 중요한 이유입니다. 정말 감사합니다.]

In Oregon alone, 1,200 National Guard will be deployed to 40 hospitals.

In states such as New York and New Jersey, where the number of hospitalized patients is increasing after Omicron reached its peak, the National Guard is filling in the shortage of manpower.

Schools are the same place where the shortage of manpower is a problem due to the spread of infection.

The Biden administration has said it will not give up face-to-face classes, but it is because the number of teachers who are immediately confirmed is increasing.

New Mexico has decided to use the National Guard and civil servants to fill the vacancies in teachers.

[미셸 루한 그리셤 / 미국 뉴멕시코주지사 : 지문 채취와 신원 조회를 할 것입니다. 주말까지 허가받아 어느 학교나 지원할 수 있을 것으로 기대합니다.]

The state of Oklahoma issued an executive order allowing state agency employees to work as substitute teachers, and California relaxed the requirements for selecting substitute teachers.

The Biden administration is encouraging face-to-face classes, stating that more than 95% of schools are still open.

As the number of schools with a shortage of teachers is bound to increase due to the spread of infection, such temporary measures seem inevitable for the time being.

This is Taewook Kang from YTN from Washington.

YTN Kang Tae-wook (

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