
[국제]”Stop extreme weather immediately”…The voices of climate activists are getting louder

Van Gogh, Monet, Bank of England, etc. ‘Passion’
100 members of environmental groups are protesting at Schiphol Airport
“Excessive carbon dioxide emissions … Reduce aircraft operations”


The 27th United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is currently being held in Egypt in the Middle East.

The voices of environmental campaigners are rising like never before, as attention is paid to whether an effective agreement will be reached to stop the extreme weather that is about to happen on the planet.

This is reporter Im Soo-geun.


The attack on the museum by environmental activists, which attracted worldwide attention this year, is now a classic.

Their soups and paints have been christened, including masterpieces by Van Gogh and Monet, the Bank of England, the central bank of England, and the car company Aston Martin, and now there are countless numbers of them.

Recently, the location of the exhibition has changed and the number of participants has increased significantly.

Around 100 members of two environmental groups, Greenpeace and ‘Extinction Resistance’, occupied Schiphol Airport in the Netherlands, drawing attention to the reckless use of aircraft.

They said that Schiphol emits 12 million tonnes of carbon dioxide a year and demanded that fewer aircraft use aircraft.

Climate activists are demanding that governments around the world take immediate action to reduce carbon emissions as extremes are serious.

[피비 플러머 / ‘저스트스톱오일’ 활동가 : 저희도 하고 싶지 않지만 할 수밖에 없습니다. 두렵고 화가 납니다. 젊은 제가 온전히 늙지 못할까 두려워요.]

People who see this are confused.

I sympathize with these arguments in my heart, but there is a sense of reluctance to endorse even expressive acts.

[한스 베르게토프트 / 스웨덴 관광객 : 그렇게 해서는 절대 목적 달성을 못 합니다. 원하는 목적을 이루지 못하고 반감만 키우는 것 같습니다.]

German Chancellor Scholz called for a change of direction, saying that excessive protests by environmentalists are causing irritation and anger rather than interest in climate change.

[올라프 숄츠 / 독일 총리 : 의견을 표현하는 다른 방법이 있을 겁니다. 아마도 약간의 창의성을 발휘하는 것이 유익할 것 같습니다.]

However, if the General Assembly of the Convention on Climate Change ends with a grand ‘word’ feast, it seems that environmental activists are rushing to ‘act’ even more.

This is YTN Im Soo-geun.

YTN Sugeun Lim (

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