
[국제]What is a license plate… Kosovo-Serbia ‘crisis’ escalates

separate Kosovo-Serbia civil war… 10,000 dead
Kosovo declared independence in 2008… refused to recognize Serbia
Kosovo demands new license plates from northern Serbs
Northern Serbian resistance, occupation of roads, etc.


Serbia and Kosovo, known as the powder kegs of the Balkans, are facing an imminent crisis due to license plate replacement problems.

You may think that license plates are so important, but the cause is a long-standing ethnic conflict, and a solution is not readily available.

Reporter Lim Soo-geun reports.


Kosovo is a small country in the Balkans.

In the late 1990s, when Yugoslavia was dissolved, Serbia experienced a brutal civil war in which 10,000 people died trying to secede from Serbia.

It declared independence in 2008 under the approval of the United Nations and the West, but Serbia still refuses to recognize it.

In late July, the Albanian-led Kosovo government demanded that Serbs living in the north of the country wear Kosovo license plates instead of the existing Serbian license plates.

It is intended to make it clear that the territory of Kosovo is the population of Serbia.

The 50,000 northern Serbs rebelled, of course.

Angry Serbs have set up barricades and blocked roads in northern Kosovo.

[고란 라키치 / 세르비아계 정치인 : 우리는 우리 땅에 살고 있으며 포기하지 않고, 철수도 없을 것입니다. 세르비아 만세!]

In response, the Serbian government also criticized the Serbs for oppressing the Serbs, and the Kosovo authorities eventually delayed the action.

Kosovo and Serbia met under the mediation of the European Union to resolve the license plate dispute, but failed to reach an agreement.

[호세프 보렐 / EU 외교·안보 고위대표 : 오늘 회담 결렬과 수일 내에 벌어질 수 있는 긴장 고조나 폭력 상황에 대해서는 양측 모두에게 중요한 책임이 있습니다.

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