
[단독] Education Minister Park Soon-ae, plagiarized papers ‘banned from submission’ again

It was also confirmed that Park Soon-ae, Deputy Prime Minister of Social Affairs and Minister of Education, was banned from posting for plagiarizing a thesis while she was a professor.

As a result of the MBC exploration plan, Minister Park was a professor at Soongsil University in 2002, when a paper titled ‘People’s support for environmental policies and determinants of environmentally friendly behavior’ presented to the Korean Political Science Association in 2002 was judged as ‘duplicate publication’ 10 years later. turned out to be

The Korean Political Science Association announced in an academic journal published in 2012 that “the publication of this thesis is to be canceled”, and a ‘submission ban’ was also imposed for three years.

It was confirmed that Minister Park revised a part of his English dissertation for his doctoral degree at an American university and submitted it to the Korean Association for Public Administration, and it was also confirmed that the thesis was translated and registered in the Korean Political Science Association.

As a result of a review by the Political Science Association, the overlap rate reached 67%.

At the time, the editorial committee of the Korean Political Science Association explained, “It violated the principle of ‘submitted papers must be original and unpublished’ as stipulated in the manuscript recruitment guidelines at the time of publication in 2002.”

This is the second time that Minister Park’s ‘submission ban’ has been confirmed for plagiarism.

Earlier, through an MBC report on the 17th, Minister Park was found to have been banned from posting for two years after being convicted of plagiarism by the Korean Association for Public Administration in 2011.

In the paper submitted by Minister Park at the time, compared to the paper presented to the American Transportation Association in 1999, many passages were found that did not differ by one letter or had only a few letters changed. It’s been month.

Shortly after the report, Minister Park explained, “I was unaware that there was an American paper at the time, and after recognizing that the American paper was published, I requested that the paper be withdrawn by myself.”

Regarding the newly revealed ‘submission prohibition’ of the political society thesis, Minister Park explained, “I voluntarily withdrew it, recognizing that it could be a problem even if a doctoral thesis in English was published in another academic journal in Korean.”

However, it did not clearly explain whether this thesis was used when he was appointed as a professor at Seoul National University, or why he applied for voluntary withdrawal after 10 years.

At the National Assembly Questionnaire held tomorrow, it is expected that questions surrounding various allegations of Minister Park, who was appointed without a personnel hearing, will be poured out.

News related to Minister Park’s thesis plagiarism and ‘submission ban’ will be reported in detail through tonight’s MBC and broadcast on the 31st.

Broadcast on July 17, 2022 / ‘Qualification of the Deputy Prime Minister of Education’