
[사회]”Going to medical school” breaks off the chain…universities, face-to-face counseling and the introduction of AI


Last year, about 1,800 students from Seoul National University, Yonsei University, and Korea University dropped out of school.

It is assumed that most of them went on to medical school.

Universities are also stepping in to stop the growing concentration of medical schools, which is causing students to leave their universities like dominoes.

This is Reporter Jang Ah-young.


Last year, 1,874 students dropped out of Seoul National University, Yonsei University, and Korea University, of which 1,421 were natural sciences.

What was 893 three years ago, in the early days of Corona 19, jumped to 1,096 the following year, an increase of 60% in two years.

Yonsei University’s Department of Life Systems had the highest withdrawal rate at 1 in 5 students, and the dropout rate for engineering majors nearly doubled within two years.

[김현준 / 공대 21학번 : (저도) 영재고였는데 100명 정도 되거든요, 한 학년에. 그런데 한 10명 정도는 일단 고등학교 3학년 때부터 의대 준비하고…. (대학은) 등록만 해놓고 2/3이나 1/2 정도는 반수를 하거나 해서 다시 의대로 빠지고….]

With the expansion of remote classes due to Corona 19, the trend of taking the CSAT again while attending school has accelerated.

Even after the resumption of face-to-face classes, the pace of exit has not stopped.

[최수용 / 연세대 공과대학 교학부학장 : 한두 문제만 더 맞으면 의대를 갈 수 있잖아요. (공대생의 경우) 공부하기가 학생들 입장에서는 3학년이 되면 지쳐서 힘들어할 정도거든요. 상대적인 박탈감을 계속 느끼죠. 내가 열심히 해도 얻을 게 없다….]

When the best students leave medical school, a chain movement occurs as college students from the Seoul area, the metropolitan area, and the local area fill their place in turn.

It is also linked to the trend of increased longevity.

Universities are trying to increase counseling and face-to-face meetings, and professors from majors are teaching classes from the first year, expanding contact with students.

There are even universities that use AI algorithms to identify and manage students who are on the verge of dropping out.

[손진호 / 알고리즘랩스 대표 : 학점을 몇 학점 듣고 있는지, 상담을 얼마나 지속적으로 받고 있는지, 비교과를 얼마나 활용하고 있는지…. (총 학생 수) 만 명 중에서 인공지능이 5% 구간 내에서 예측을 해주면 그 5% 안에 실제 중도 이탈자의 90%가 담겨있다….]

Although discussions on expanding the number of medical schools have been organised, it is predicted that it will be difficult to break the stability-oriented student preferences if the basic social structure does not change so that research professionals are treated better and that entrepreneurs can. risk of failure.

This is YTN Jang Ah-yeong.

YTN Jang Ah-young (

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