
[속보] LG Energy Solution’s ‘best-in-class’ success… Exceeded KRW 100 trillion in subscription margin

picture explanationCustomers are waiting at the Shinhan Financial Investment branch in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 18th, when LG Energy Solutions, which is considered to be the largest IPO (initial public offering) in the history of the domestic stock market, started offering public shares for general investors. [사진 = 한주형 기자]

On the second day of subscription for public offering of LG Energy Solutions (LG Ensol), the margin exceeded 100 trillion won. It is the highest in the history of an IPO.

According to the financial investment industry on the 19th, as of 2:36 pm on the 19th, the margin for subscription for general investors gathered at 7 securities companies including KB Securities, Shinhan Financial Investment, and Daishin Securities was about 100 trillion won.

LG Ensol collected a total of 58.763.1 billion won in margin as of 11 am, an hour after the subscription started. Considering that Kakao Bank (Kabin) received a total of 58.302 trillion won as a margin from the general public offering of shares, it already surpassed the margin of Kakao Bank only during the morning.

Since then, around 1 pm, the SK IE Technology (SKIET) margin surpassed 80,901.7 billion won, which was the previous record high.

Previously, LG Energy Solution collected KRW 1,5203 trillion in institutional orders in the demand forecasting for institutional investors, and recorded the unit of ‘light’ for the first time in its history. The competition ratio was also 2023 to 1, the highest in the history of IPOs in the stock market.

LG Energy Solution will be listed on the KOSPI market on the 27th after completing the public offering for general investors on the same day.

[김현정 매경닷컴 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]