
[전립선.방광살리기]Keeping ‘this’ during bladder cancer treatment is helpful

[손기정 일중한의원장] According to the medical data of the National Health Insurance Corporation, from 2014 to 2018, the number of bladder cancer patients in Korea increased by an average of 7.8% per year. The number of males is 4.2 times higher than that of females, and the number of patients in their 70s increases sharply after the age of 50, accounting for 35% of the cases.

Bladder cancer is a malignant tumor of the bladder, and smoking is known as the most dangerous factor. It is known that smokers are 2 to 6 times more likely to develop bladder cancer than nonsmokers. other

Ki-Jeong Son, President of Japan-Chinese Oriental Medicine Clinic

It is known that 50-65% of sexual bladder cancers and 20-30% of women are due to smoking. The fact that there are significantly more male patients than females is also not related to the high male smoking rate. In addition to tobacco, there is a report that family history, direct exposure to chemicals, radiation therapy, and use of anticancer drugs increase the incidence rate.

If you have hematuria, you should first suspect bladder cancer. Hematuria can be divided into gross hematuria that we can see and microscopic hematuria that is invisible to the eye. Rarely, bladder irritation symptoms such as frequent urination and urgency to urinate appear. These symptoms are often found in urinary tract infections, including cystitis, so it is necessary to accurately differentiate them. As the cancer progresses, the symptoms of hematuria become very severe, and accompanying symptoms of urination are common.

There are four things I usually emphasize to patients undergoing treatment for bladder cancer. First is the diet. It is most important to eat foods that purify the blood. If possible, avoid meat and supplement protein with plant proteins such as soybeans, tofu, and fish, such as white fish and seafood. In addition, it is important to consume seasonal vegetables from nature rather than cultivated ones.

Next is the residential environment. If possible, a rural village is preferable. Especially, it is better if there are dense coniferous trees such as pine, cypress, fir and cypress. Acids give humans a lot of energy and enhance their natural healing power.

Weak water is better than clean water. It has the effect of suppressing cancer if you brew it with tea such as Sanghwang mushroom, chaga mushroom, and graviola adil radish and drink it regularly every day. Adulmu must be roasted because it is particularly cold in nature, and coixeloride is effective in preventing the occurrence and proliferation of cancer, so bladder cancer patients are recommended to take it.

The last one is heat therapy. Keeping your body warm is always a good idea, as chilling can speed up cancer progression.

You can expect better results if you follow the above four things well and start treatment. In addition, as an oriental treatment for bladder cancer patients, there is an oriental anticancer drug called Chijongeum containing lacquer. Chijongeum can see both anticancer and aphrodisiac effects at the same time, so it suppresses cancer while strengthening immunity. In addition, the immune bath helps to restore bladder function by regenerating damaged cells in the bladder, and anti-cancer herbal teas made with anti-cancer drugs are also beneficial to bladder cancer patients.