
[정치]與, ‘West Sea Attack’ Offensive Continues… “We have to reveal our track record for 6 hours”


The People’s Power is raising the level of offensive against the previous government by investigating the fate of President Moon Jae-in at the time of the ‘Attack of a Public Official in the West Sea’ in 2020.

It is noteworthy that the Democratic Party of Korea, which completed the 1 night and 2 days workshop, announced that it would agree to take over the legislative and judicial committee chairperson under the power of the people as agreed to by the ruling and opposition parties in the first half of the National Assembly, and it is noteworthy whether the negotiation to form a circle will open up.

Connect with reporters from the National Assembly. Reporter Jung Hyun-woo!


Yes, Parliament.


The People’s Power is raising questions about the attack on the West Sea every day?


Yes, the members of the People’s Power Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries Investigation TF had a meeting with the bereaved family of the deceased civil servant Dae-Jun Lee.

During the interim announcement of the results of the self-investigation, it was revealed that he had not done anything in the six hours that could have saved Mr. Lee, raising questions about the conduct of former President Moon Jae-in at the time.

[하태경 / 국민의힘 의원 : 돌아가실 때까지 6시간 동안 우리가 구조할 수 없었나…. 생존 사실이 확인된 22일 오후 3시 30분 이후 이대준 씨가 사망할 때까지 대통령으로부터 어떤 구조 지시가 없던 점 확인했습니다.]

The bereaved family also urged that the president’s actions should be made public while time was wasted.

In response to the People’s Power Offensive, former Ministry of National Defense spokesman Boo Seung-chan said on YTN radio that information continued to come in, but it was a situation that required a comprehensive judgment.

Let’s hear the rebuttal.

[부승찬 / 전 국방부 대변인 : 월북 단어만 갖고 그 정황을 파악하는 건 아니고요. 일반인이 보지 못하는 음어나 암호나 이런 것을 다 해독해서 종국적으로는 월북 가능성이라고 판단했던 거죠.]


The Democratic Party finished a two-day workshop for lawmakers, and as soon as floor leader Park Hong-geun returned, he said that he agreed to the ruling party taking over the chair of the Judiciary, right?


Yes, Park Hong-geun, floor leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, who came after the 1 night and 2 days workshop, held a press conference and said, “We have gathered opinions with lawmakers to quickly normalize the National Assembly to take care of people’s livelihoods and the economy, and to prevent the Yoon Seok-yeol administration’s monopoly.

[박홍근 / 더불어민주당 원내대표 : 이에 민주당은 작년 양당 원내대표 간 합의를 존중하고, 이행하겠습니다. 합의대로 하반기 법사위원장을 국민의힘이 맡는 데 동의합니다. 그 대신 국민의힘도 양당 간의 지난 합의 이행을 약속해주십시오.]

As he will hand over the Judiciary Chairperson as agreed last year, it seems to be putting pressure on the participation of the Special Committee on Judicial Reform to discuss the Serious Crime Investigation Agency, etc.

While there has been no response from the People’s Power side yet, floor leader Park said that he would wait for an answer until the 27th, that is, next Monday.

As the Democratic Party took a step back on the issue of the Judiciary Chairperson, which ran parallel, it was reported that the senior vice-ministers of both parties were discussing the composition of the circle in some place, and attention is being paid to whether progress will be negotiated.


People’s Power Chairman Lee Jun-seok is under attack within the party, but he is strongly counterattacking?


Yes, CEO Lee Jun-seok wrote on SNS, “I didn’t ask for the bait, so I started shooting myself”, along with an article in which Rep. Jang Je-won interviewed that the party did not help him in his first year in power over the conflict between him and Bae Hyun-jin.

Since the so-called pro-Yun-seok system attack has begun, it seems to be suggesting that they will launch a counterattack, but we are refraining from public comment for now.

[이준석 / 국민의힘 대표 : (윤리위 징계 내용 두고 이 대표 압박이라고….) 드릴 말씀 없습니다. 그거는 평가를 제가 할 필요가 없잖아요. (7월 7일 공개회의 요청 계속 하실 건가요?) 윤리위 관련해서는 제가 언론에 얘기할 사안이 아니에요.]

There is also a lot of debate over the discussion of disciplinary action against CEO Lee Jun-seok, so please listen.

[정미경 / 국민의힘 최고위원 (YTN 라디오 ‘뉴스킹 박지훈입니다’) : 대통령이라는 자리는 굉장히 허약할 수가 있어요. 국회에서 받쳐주지 않으면 반드시 총선에서 이겨야 되는데 과연 이게 도움이 되나….]

[윤희석 / 전 국민의힘 대변인 (CBS 라디오 ‘김현정의 뉴스쇼’) : 그냥 징계를 가면 중간에 왜 소명도 안 들었느냐 하는 반발이 있을 수 있고 따라서 이런 절차상에 하자를 치유하고, 할 거 다 하고 가겠다. 그런 의지의 표현으로 저는 읽었습니다.]


Rep. Jae-myung Lee was asked not to appear at the National Convention at the Democratic Party Workshop, right?


Yes, Rep. Jae-myung Lee had a round-the-clock discussion with Rep. Hong Young-pyo, a powerful party leader in the pro-Moon Jae-in system, and it is said that Rep. Hong mentioned that he and Rep. Lee should not go to the national convention together.

Listen to Congressman Hong.

[홍영표 / 더불어민주당 의원 : 통합할 수 있는 리더십이 만들어져야 하는데, 그것이 과연 이재명 의원이나 저나 출마하는 것이 좋은 건지, 거기에 도움이 되는 건지, 아닌지 그런 것도 판단해보자고 한 거죠.]

Rep. Lee is known to have avoided an immediate answer, saying that even if he became the party’s representative, he was thinking about various things because it might not be beneficial to him.

The reporters also asked if he would challenge the party, but lawmaker Lee avoided it while talking about the economy and people’s livelihood.

Let’s hear it.

[이재명 / 더불어민주당 의원 : 경제위기 극복 방안이나 민생의 어려움을 해결하는 문제에 대해서 한번 깊이 있는 논의가 있었으면 좋겠다는 생각이 많이 들었습니다. 네, 고맙습니다. (전당대회 관련해서 입장은 언제쯤 밝히실 건가요?) …….]

Democratic lawmakers adopted a resolution that pledged the People’s Livelihood Party, a strong opposition party, and innovation to restore public trust.

So far, this is YTN Jung Hyun-woo in the National Assembly.

YTN Hyunwoo Jung (

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