
[카드뉴스] The ‘Cabbage Kale Wrap’ recipe is best for immunity

During the changing season, when the daily temperature difference widens, immunity is the most important thing to take care of your family’s health. One of the nutrients that plays an important role in immunity is vitamin A. Vitamin A is widely known as the ‘eye vitamin’, but it is a nutrient that supports the functions of the skin and membranes mucous The skin is the first barrier between the body and the external environment, and if the skin is damaged, it can be easily exposed to external risk factors and viruses. In addition, the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose play a role in protecting the body from external harmful substances, and vitamin A keeps the mucous membranes of our body healthy and protects not only the eyes but also the respiratory immunity.

Today, I will present a recipe using kale, which is rich in vitamin A among green and yellow vegetables, which is good for immunity.

[ 우리 가족 면역력 높이는 양배추 케일 쌈 ]

▷ Materials

Kale, cabbage, chicken breast, cheongyang pepper, onion, ssamjang, sesame oil, sesame, salt, pepper

▷ How

1. Blanch cabbage and kale in boiling water with salt in order, cool in cold water and squeeze out the water.

(The point is to quickly blanch the kale in boiling water!)

2. Cut up a well-cooked chicken breast, season with salt, pepper and sesame seeds and mix.

3. Prepare the cheongyang pepper and onion, and drain the onion with a kitchen towel.

4. Add chopped cheongyang pepper, onion, sesame seeds, and sesame oil to the ssamjang and mix.

5. Place cabbage and kale on top of each other, and top with chicken breast and seasoning sauce to make it easy to eat.

(You can roll it long and cut it in half and plate it.)