
[헬스S] cold? Rhinitis? Stuffy nose in winter, the reason why it is so serious

Reporter Ji Yong-jun | VIEW 1,516 | 2022.11.10 08:49

Dry, cold air can dry out the nasal mucosa. This is why symptoms related to the nose, such as a runny nose, stuffy nose, and sneezing, worsen in winter. The nasal mucosa produces a runny nose and mainly fights against external bacteria, viruses, mold and dust. It controls the humidity and temperature of the air inhaled through the nose so that air with a constant temperature and humidity can always flow into the lungs.

A runny nose is caused by the nasal mucosa reacting to prevent cold, dry air from entering the lungs directly, producing clear secretions. It is a physiological phenomenon that our body mainly regulates against the cold air outside.

If the physiological response of the nasal mucosa is excessively expressed, discomfort is experienced. Vasomotor rhinitis, where the nasal mucosa reacts more sensitively to changes in external temperature and humidity than average to changes in external stimuli, and symptoms such as house dust mites, pollen, mold, animal hair, etc. Rhinitis is a case in point.

The most common cause of nasal congestion in winter is the common cold. A cold is an acute upper respiratory tract infection caused by viruses, most of which invade the upper respiratory tract (nose, throat and larynx) by rhinoviruses and parainfluenza viruses. Low temperature and humidity in winter weakens the function of the mucous membranes inside the nose, reducing the natural resistance to viruses, making colds more frequent.

Most common cold viruses are treated within a few days by the immune system, so it is desirable to take enough rest and drink water and nutrition. Nasal irrigation with saline can relieve nasal symptoms by relieving swelling and redness of the mucous membranes in the nasal passages. In the case of severe discomfort, prescribed antipyretics, anti-inflammatory drugs, or nasal decongestants can help relieve symptoms.

In the early stages, there is a risk of transmission through human-to-human droplets, so it is important to wash your hands often with antibacterial soap, avoid crowded rooms as much as possible, ventilate the indoor air from time to time each other, and maintain the correct interior. temperature and humidity.

Professor Myung-sang Myung-sang, Department of Otolaryngology, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, said, “If symptoms such as fatigue, sore throat, and headache have improved after having a cold, but yellow and sticky runny nose, stuffy nose, and mail. nasal discharge continues even after several weeks, acute bacterial sinusitis can be suspected.” If bacterial sinusitis is secondary to complications, the disease can develop for several weeks or more.”

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