
【Diabetes】A woman suffering from “diabetic foot” is at risk of amputation and has been cured and reproduced smoothly after TCM conditioning – Hong Kong Economic Times – TOPick – Health Information – Health

The woman suffered from a “diabetic foot” and was in danger of amputation. After treatment by Chinese medicine, she was cured and regained smoothness.

About 1 in 10 Hong Kong people in Hong Kong have diabetes; the elderly over 65 have diabetes more commonly, which is around 20 to 30% of the population. Doctor Chen Yanjun, a registered Chinese medicine practitioner, shared the case, referring to a patient with severe diabetes who suffered from “diabetic foot” and suffered from severe pain to the point of being unable to walk. Fortunately, after treatment, the condition quickly improved.

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Dr Chen said the patient was about 80 years old and had a history of diabetes for more than 20 years. The condition was so severe that he needed dialysis. He also had high blood pressure. When the patient was first diagnosed, the skin on the feet was very dry, with extensive fissures and cracks on the soles of his feet, and the pain was so excruciating that he could not walk. With Dr Chen’s prescription of internal and external medicines, the patient’s condition quickly improved.

Poor liver, kidney, spleen and stomach function in diabetic patients

Dr. Chen continued to point out that “diabetic feet” mainly occurs in very severe diabetic patients. In severe cases, amputation is even more necessary. The clinic sees approximately 1-2 patients with diabetic feet due to long-term diabetes each month, aged between 60 and 80.

Dr. Chen said that the function of the liver, kidney, spleen and stomach of diabetic patients is poor, and there is a tendency of younger diabetic patients. Therefore, it becomes important to focus on nourishing the liver, kidneys, spleen and stomach during the week and prevent diabetes. She recommends making the following teas:

Daily Care Tips

Dr Chen also reminded the public to pay more attention to their daily habits to prevent diabetes:

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Correspondent: Zhang Pei