
[가요]EXO’s Sehun, obstetrics and gynecology eyewitness rumors, SM side “false facts without basis”

SM Entertainment has expressed its position regarding rumors from the community surrounding Sehun from the group EXO.

On an online community, a message was circulating that a member of a famous male idol group and his girlfriend were spotted at an obstetrics and gynecology clinic. Afterwards, allegations were raised that the celebrity in question was EXO’s Sehun.

Regarding this, on the afternoon of the 27th, SM Entertainment criticized, “The rumors about Sehun that circulated online are completely baseless and false facts, and it is an obvious criminal act of distributing malicious content unlike the facts.”

He continued, “We are currently monitoring the situation where the post has been deleted, but we are monitoring the original post and rumor spreaders, and we will take strong legal action.”

[사진=SM 엔터테인먼트]

YTN star Hyunsoo Kwak (

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