
[경제]New Year’s gift up to 200,000 won OK…’Kim Young-ran set’


The retail industry, which has started selling Lunar New Year gifts in earnest, is vying for products that meet the upper limit of the Kim Young-ran Act, which has risen to 200,000 won.

In particular, valuable agricultural, livestock, and aquatic products such as Korean beef, gulbi, and red ginseng gift sets were hit.

This is reporter Kang Jeong-gyu.


A gift stand at a large mart on the occasion of the Lunar New Year.

There is a sticker stating that the items and prices do not violate the So-called Kim Young-ran Act, the Anti-Graft Act.

This is because the gift amount that public officials can receive from the 24th before the day of the holiday to the 5th after the holiday has been increased to 200,000 won in order to promote the sale of our agricultural, livestock, and marine products.

[강애중 / 서울 개포동 : 선물할 때도 있지만 받을 때도 있잖아요. 너무 싼 것만 받는 거 보다…]

[최영복 / 경기도 광주시 도평리 : 김영란법을 정해놨으니까 그 밑으론 해야 하잖아요. 부담이 많이 되죠. 소비자한테는요.]

This is not the first time the Kim Young-ran method gift cap has been lifted before and after holidays such as Lunar New Year or Chuseok.

However, from this year, the meaning is different in that it is not a temporary measure, but after the amendment of the law.

Of course, there are many people who are not bound by the Kim Young-ran Act, but the industry welcomes it as it has been the ‘ceiling’ of futures prices.

[김삼주 / 전국한우협회장 : 국내산 농축산물이 선물세트를 만들기 어려웠습니다. 20만 원 상향되고 나서 그래도 선물 다운 선물을 만들 수 있어서….]

In addition to Korean beef, valuable primary products such as oysters and nuts opened their doors.

Even processed products such as red ginseng can be gifted up to 200,000 won if 50% or more of our agricultural, livestock, and marine products are included.

The distribution industry is heating up the promotion of gift sets in line with the changed Kim Young-ran law.

[김용흠 / 하나로마트 홍보팀장 : 5만 원에서 20만 원 사이의 선물세트가 700품목 정도 됩니다. 작년 대비 20% 확대 편성했다고 보시면 될 것 같습니다.]

Looking at the pre-order sales of Lunar New Year gifts at the three major supermarkets, the sales growth rate jumped from 100,000 won to 200,000 won.

At the same time, a bill was also proposed to relieve the current 30,000 won from public officials for dining out up to 50,000 won.

[김병욱 / 더불어민주당 의원 : 내수경제를 활성화하고 사회적 거리 두기와 방역 패스로 고통받고 있는 (외식) 산업을 되살리기 위한 대책이 절실합니다.]

Although the justification of reflecting the reality is good, some point out that the discipline of public service that has been painstakingly established through the Kim Young-ran Act has no choice but to loosen.

This is YTN Kang Jeong-gyu.

YTN Kang Jeong-gyu (

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