
[경제]The decision to sell a stake in YTN by a public company was reversed… Forced sale?


SOEs holding stakes in YTN initially announced that they would hold them, but recently they have resorted to the sale policy due to the will of the government based on weak logic.

This is Lee Seung-yoon, staff reporter.


YTN was classified as a ‘semi-public broadcaster’ because KEPCO KDN held 21.43% and the Korea Horse Association 9.52%, with public corporations holding more than 30% of the shares and did not interfere in management and reporting.

Even the ruling party recognizes YTN as one of the public broadcasters.

[박성중 / 국민의힘 의원 (11월 7일) : 전반적으로 MBC, KBS, YTN, 연합뉴스 4개를 동시에 저렇게 비교하다 보니까 10월 28일 저렇게 방송을 했습니다. 4개 공영방송이 저렇게 방송을 했기 때문에 많은 사람들이 저기에 몰린….]

KEPCO KDN submitted a draft innovation plan to TF Innovation of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy in August last year stating, “If it is sold at this point, it will result in a loss compared to the main investment, so we will continue to do so. hold the stake in YTN.”

He also mentioned that sales and operating profit are expected to increase due to increased advertising revenue and business expansion.

However, on August 23rd, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy’s Public Organization Innovation TF released a two-line review stating that it is ‘not reasonable’.

In the end, KEPCO KDN presented its views on ‘sales promotion’ to the Ministry of Industry on September 16.

The 4th largest shareholder, the Korean Horse Association, is going through a similar process.

On the 17th of last month, Chairman Jeong Ki-hwan expressed his opinion on holding YTN stock in an audit letter.

[정기환 / 한국마사회장 (지난달 17일 국감 당시) : 방송 매체의 특성상 말 산업 홍보에도 도움이 되는 측면도 있고 해서…. (YTN 지분 매각을) 지금까지는 검토한 바가 없고, 그리고 8월 말에 농식품부와 협의 중에서 혁신 계획안을 낼 때도 그때까진 구체적인 검토를 한 바가 없습니다.]

However, it is understood that the Masai Society has recently submitted a policy to sell its shares in YTN to the Ministry of Strategy and Finance.

It reflects the will of the government, claiming that the recovery rate is not high and that it has no function in the public interest.

[이창양 / 산업통상자원부 장관 : (한전KDN이) 25년 동안 (YTN) 주식을 갖고 있었는데 수익률도 별로 높지 않고 그런 공익적 기능이 없다고 보여지기 때문에 공공 혁신 차원에서 이걸 저희가 아마 TF에서 매각을 권고한 것으로 알고 있습니다.]

However, YTN’s sales grew from KRW 20 billion in the 1990s to KRW 130 billion in the 1990s, and based on stable management performance with operating profit for the past five years, profits have been consistently distributed to shareholders.

YTN came first in a number of fair media in Korea, and also came first in media credibility by the Reuters Institute of Journalism in the UK for two years in a row.

Thanks to its public governance structure, YTN has served its public interest function by coming top in the press publicity evaluation.

This is Lee Seung-yoon’s YTN.

YTN Lee Seung-yoon (

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