
[경제]The government is going all-out on supply… “Remove price and area restrictions”

Government seeks reversal by easing regulations on officetel and sale prices
“Officetel will expand, but demand distribution is limited”
“We will devise a plan to solve the monthly rent crisis by the end of the year”


The government has come up with another measure to solve the problem of house prices that are rarely caught.

It was decided to ease the regulations to speed up the supply, but reporter Jo Tae-hyun pointed out what kind of content it would contain and whether it would have any effect.


House prices are soaring with the momentum to break through the ceiling, and the biggest cause is, of course, a lack of supply.

But as housing supply seldom slowed down, the government pulled out a deregulation card this time around.

[홍남기 / 부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관 : 주택공급 물량의 조기공급과 이에 더한 추가 공급 역량 확보 등을 위해 민간 역할이 매우 중요합니다. 이에 정부는 그간 전문가와 업계 의견을 여러 차례 수렴해 축적해 왔습니다.]

The first is the easing of regulations related to officetels.

The plan is to increase the supply of residential officetels by improving the floor heating standards.

In addition, we decided to expand the size of urban living houses.

Although the plan is to utilize officetels that have a faster supply rate than apartments, there are also concerns about side effects.

[함영진 / 직방 빅데이터 랩장 : 오피스텔은 규제 수위가 상대적으로 낮은 편입니다. 중대형까지 규제 완화가 된다면 일정 부분 투자 목적의 수요 유입에 따른 시장 과잉 현상이 우려됩니다.]

In the meantime, we also accepted the point that excessive price regulation has become an obstacle to housing supply.

We decided to change the current method of averaging all businesses when calculating the surrounding market price to applying a selection of similar businesses based on size and brand value.

It was also decided to materialize the review criteria for the price ceiling system.

Although the demand from the private sector was accepted, it is evaluated that the sale price will eventually rise considering the recent surge in house prices.

[이창무 / 한양대학교 도시공학과 교수 : 분양가와 시세의 괴리가 더 커지면 분양주택의 ‘로또화’가 더 강하게 됩니다. 분양가가 오르게 되더라도 시세에 근접하게 가는 방향으로 지속적인 조정이 필요합니다.]

In addition, the government is planning to come up with solutions by the end of the year, such as the increasingly severe jeonse and monthly rent problems and the so-called ‘double price’ problem in the jeonse market.

However, it is evaluated that it is uncertain whether effective countermeasures will be available given the ‘3rd Law on Leases’ that triggered this situation is in good health.

This is YTN Cho Tae-hyun.

YTN Cho Tae-hyun (

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
