
[경제]Trusted government statistics, increasing the number of samples leads to a ‘rise’ in house prices


In the meantime, there have been a lot of criticisms that the government’s real estate statistics are different from reality, right?

It was true.

When we increased the sample, we came to a conclusion similar to that of private statistics.

Criticism is growing that statistics are one of the reasons behind policy failures.

Reporter Cho Tae-hyun reports.


After the Moon Jae-in government took office, it is said that house prices have risen by a little over 10%.

[김현미 / 당시 국토교통부 장관 (지난해 7월) : (집값이 어느 정도 올랐다고 보시나요?) 한국감정원 통계로 11% 정도 올랐다고 알고 있습니다. (몇 %요?) 11%라고 알고 있습니다. (11%요?) 네.]

The explanation that the real estate market is showing stability,

[노영민 / 당시 청와대 비서실장 (지난해 8월) : 한국감정원에서 발표하는 통계자료를 분석한 바에 의하면 현재 (부동산 시장이) 안정화 추세로 가고 있다고 말씀드릴 수 있습니다.]

All of these statements were based on official government statistics and data from the Korea Real Estate Agency.

[홍남기 / 부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관 (지난해 11월) : 정부가 부동산 시장 안정화 대책을 쭉 발표한 뒤 부동산 매매 시장에 있어선 지표상으로 보합세 내지는 안정세가 유지되는 것으로 판단됩니다.]

In addition to the criticism that the statistics are different from reality, the National Statistical Office pointed out that the sample was too small.

Then, the national average price of all houses, including apartments, single-family houses, and multi-family houses, jumped by more than 70 million won in one month.

If the statistics are narrowed down to apartments in Seoul, the average price, which was well below 1 billion won until June, has even surpassed the 1.1 billion won line in a month.

When we enlarged the sample, we came to a conclusion similar to that of the private statistics, which had shown a large difference.

In other words, he admitted that there were many problems with the previous statistics.

Naturally, based on such statistics, the government’s claim that the real estate policy is working properly is inevitably less convincing.

Although the real estate statistics have improved, there are many critics that it is still insufficient.

[권대중 / 명지대학교 부동산학과 교수 : 정부가 공식적으로 발표하는 자료라면 표본 수를 더 늘리는 것이 중요하다고 봅니다. 표본을 모을 때 선정 기준을 다양한 방법으로, 다양한 물건을 선정해야 현실을 충분히 반영한다고 봅니다.]

Official government statistics are important because they form the basis of policy.

It seems difficult to avoid criticism that false real estate statistics are one of the causes of market instability despite numerous measures.

This is YTN Jo Tae-hyun.

YTN Cho Tae-hyun (

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
