
[국제]Canada declares that ‘single-use plastic’ has been eliminated… The issue of cost is homework


As the demand for delivery has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of disposable items made of plastic has also increased dramatically, raising concerns about environmental pollution.

The Canadian government has announced that it will no longer produce products made of single-use plastic from the end of the year.

Reporter Jihoon Jang reports.


Canada produces over 3 million tonnes of plastic waste each year.

The Canadian government has announced that it will ban the production and import of single-use plastic products from December and will also ban the sale of pre-made plastic products from the end of next year.

The intention was to stop single-use plastic manufacturing from last year with the aim of ‘no plastic waste’, but it has been postponed due to the spread of Corona 19 and will be implemented from the end of this year.

[쥐스탱 트뤼도 / 캐나다 총리(2019년 6월) : 이르면 2021년부터 해로운 일회용 플라스틱을 금지하고 플라스틱 폐기물을 재활용할 책임을 기업에 지움으로써, 야생동물을 보호하고 후대에 더 깨끗하고 건강한 미래를 줄 것입니다.]

Among the major prohibited items designated by the government are plastic bags and packaging containers, forks and knives, rings for packaging canned drinks, and straws.

Accordingly, the private sector is also making efforts to reduce plastic waste, such as large markets stopping the supply of plastic bags and drinks producers replacing packaging rings with paper.

Instead of shopping that promotes the production of plastic waste, shops where you can fill your own containers with household items are also popular.

Home goods refill shop in Edmonton, Canada.

You can put shampoo or detergent in the container you have, and you can also buy eco-friendly products such as toothbrushes made from bamboo instead of plastic.

As more consumers pursue eco-friendly use, the store expanded its business to online and delivery.

[메간 / 리필 가게 운영 : 2020년 1월에 사업을 시작했는데, 두 달 뒤에 첫 봉쇄가 시작됐습니다. 그래서 한 달 정도 문을 닫고 배달 서비스를 했죠. 사업이 잘돼서 사람들을 더 고용하고 잘 운영하고 있습니다.]

[샘 / 캐나다 에드먼턴 : 불편한 점이 있다면 제 용기를 들고 와야 한다는 점하고 항상 물건이 다 떨어지진 않았나, 확인해야 한다는 점이죠. (그럼에도 불구하고) 리필하는 생활에 익숙해지고 있어요.]

But the cost of ‘plastic escape’ remains a challenge.

This is because refills are more expensive than off-the-shelf products in plastic containers, and for small businesses, changing the packaging is more expensive.

[함화숙 / 한식당 운영 : 스푼, 포크 모든 게 다 플라스틱이니까, 봉지 이런 것도 종이 봉지로 해야 하다 보니까(종이로 바꾸면) 비용적인 면에서는 두 배, 세 배 정도 차이 나죠. 그렇게 되면 음식값을 올려야 하나…]

Why is it stated that the burden of ‘removing plastic’ will ultimately fall on consumers, even if the authorities explain that ‘if the manufacture and import of plastics is banned, companies will start providing sustainable solutions’, if the additional cost problem is not addressed.

In order for the major steps taken to protect the environment to have a lasting effect, a more detailed and realistic approach is needed, such as support measures for small businesses and consumers.

This is Jihoon Jang from YTN BYD in Edmonton, Canada.

YTN Jihoon Jang (

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