
[국제]Japan’s Prime Minister Kishida, first election ‘bitter cup’… Liberal Democratic Party sole majority outlook ‘shaken’


The Japanese House of Representatives elections, which will be held on Sunday (31st), are notoriously difficult.

At first, it was expected that the ruling LDP would be able to win a single majority, but due to the unification of the opposition, the number of battlefields increased, so it was only known until the lid was opened.

Correspondent Lee Kyung-ah reports from Tokyo.


“Hurray! Hurray!”

The by-election of the House of Councilors in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, yielded unexpected results.

A 40-year-old rookie who applied from two opposition parties together defeated the LDP candidate after a close battle.

Prime Minister Kishida, who made two supportive speeches here, suffered a blow from the first election after taking office.

[기시다 후미오 / 일본 총리·자민당 총재 : 지역 주민 여러분의 판단을 엄숙히 받아들입니다. 마음을 다잡고 중의원 선거에 임하고자 합니다.]

The Liberal Democrats took the other place where elections were held together, but the number of seats was reduced.

The opposition party, which struggled with the swarm of candidates in every election, laughed.

[아즈미 준 / 입헌민주당 국회대책위원장 : 시즈오카현은 여야 대결 구도가 돼 마지막까지 접전을 벌인 결과 승리한 것이 우리에게는 큰 자신감이 됐습니다.]

The five opposition parties achieved unification of candidates in more than 70% of the constituencies where voting is held on the 31st.

As a result of that, as the number of areas of close combat increases, the prospect that the LDP will win a single majority is also shaken.

Amid a growing sense of crisis, the LDP is mobilizing powerful politicians to campaign.

[고노 타로 / 자민당 홍보본부장 : 저는 다음 총재 선거에 다시 나가려 합니다. 그때 제 오른팔인 스즈키 후보가 없으면 곤란합니다!]

Opposition parties are appealing for a judgment on the eight-year LDP led by Abe, Suga and Prime Minister Kishida.

[렌호 / 입헌민주당 대표 대행 : 기시다 총리로는 자민당은 바뀌지 않습니다. 지금까지 일어난 문제들을 덮을 뿐입니다. 여러분이 국회의 모습을 바꿔 주십시오!]

The LDP cannot expect a landslide victory as it did four years ago as bad news such as corruption and economic deterioration amid the corona virus that has continued since the days of Prime Minister Abe have piled up.

How much less seats will be lost as a result of this election will determine the fate of the just-started Kishida administration.

This is Kyungah Lee from YTN in Tokyo.

YTN Kyungah Lee (

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

