
[국제]North Korea, even military uniforms in Russia?…US “Russia asks North Korea for military help”


The US government has not ruled out the possibility that North Korea is producing and exporting military uniforms to Russia in violation of UN Security Council resolutions.

At the same time, he repeatedly confirmed that North Korea supplies Russia with weapons.

This is reporter Lee Jong-soo.


The US Radio Free Asia reported that North Korea has been making winter military uniforms and winter boots for Russian soldiers sent to Ukraine for a month to earn foreign currency.

According to Radio Free Asia, cloth was delivered to North Korea across the border from Russia, and the size of the order is large.

The US State Department has not ruled out this possibility.

[네드 프라이스 / 미국 국무부 대변인 : (북한의 군복 수출 가능성을 특정해 말할 수 없지만) 우리는 러시아가 북한에 군사적 도움을 요청했다고 말해 왔습니다.]

According to UN Security Council Resolution 2375 adopted in September 2017, textile exports from North Korea are banned.

The US State Department also emphasized that “North Korea is trying to hide weapons and provide them to Russia,” in clear violation of sanctions.

[네드 프라이스 / 미국 국무부 대변인 : 북한과 러시아가 상당한 양의 무기 제공에 대해 논의했고 북한은 수백만 개의 무기를 제3국행 물품으로 위장해 러시아에 제공하려 합니다.]

Earlier this month, the White House announced that it had information that North Korea was trying to hide and deliver a significant amount of shells to Russia through a third country.

[존 커비 /백악관 NSC 전략소통조정관(지난 2일) : 무기를 실은 선박을 중동이나 북아프리카 국가들로 보내는 것처럼 꾸며 실제 목적지를 숨겼습니다.]

At the time, the White House said it would prepare measures to hold North Korea accountable at the UN level.

This is YTN Lee Jong-soo.

YTN Lee Jong-soo (

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