
[국제]Texas, U.S. Controversy over lifting mandatory school masks amid Delta outbreak


The debate about mandatory wearing of masks in the United States is in full swing.

This is because, despite the serious spread of the delta mutation, the Texas governor temporarily suspended the compulsory mask-wearing measure in front-line schools, saying that wearing a mask should be left up to individual freedom.

There is strong opposition from citizens, including parents and experts.

Reporter Mihyang Ahn delivers.


The U.S. has once again gained the disgrace of being the world’s number one in new infections as the number of new infections per day surpassed 100,000.

At least once, the vaccination rate exceeded 60% and we tried to start a daily recovery, but as the delta mutation emerged as the mainstream and breakthrough infections continued, many regions, including Oregon, started to resume quarantine measures.

[케이트 브라운 / 오리건 주지사 : 현재 상황은 델타 변종이 더 확산하는 것을 막기 위한 즉각적인 조치가 필요한 것은 분명합니다. 그래서 8월 13일 금요일부터 모든 실내 공공장소에서 마스크를 착용해야 합니다.]

However, the state of Texas has been controversial over the timely lifting of the mandatory mask wearing.

This is because Texas Governor Greg Abbott has issued an executive order to remove the mandatory mask requirement, saying that wearing a mask is a personal choice.

Dallas and Bear County even filed lawsuits refusing the governor’s executive order to allow them to make their own masks, but the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the governor’s executive order.

Some experts are concerned about the side effects of not wearing a mask.

[데이비드 힐마 / 베일러 의대 내과 교수 : 실내에서 마스크를 착용하지 않을 경우 누가 백신을 맞았는지 안 맞는지 알 수 없습니다. 텍사스 주지사가 백신 접종 여부를 물을 수 없게 했습니다. (마스크·백신 접종 확인 등) 정치적 문제라고 생각합니다.]

In particular, confusion continues in front-line schools that have recently opened due to this measure.

Each local school district can make its own regulations, such as the mandatory wearing of masks at school, but it is a problem because it is only a recommendation level that is not enforceable.

The opposition from the majority of citizens, including education experts and parents, is growing stronger.

[명세진 / 미국 오스틴·학부모 : 아무래도 아이들이 개학 전의 생활보다 훨씬 많은 수의 사람들과 지내게 되는데 백신을 거부한 사람도 있는 가운데 변이 바이러스까지 돌고 있어서….]

[아베 피플스 / 전 오스틴 교육구 이사·전 교사 : (12세 미만) 아이들은 아직 백신 접종을 못 해서 성인이 자신의 안전을 생각하면서 아이들을 위해서 학교 내 안전을 보장해주어야 합니다. 따라서 모두가 학교에서 마스크를 써야 합니다.]

In the midst of this, as the state of Texas requested the federal government for five hearse trailers, and news of a shortage of children’s intensive care units, citizens’ anxiety is growing.

This is Mihyang Ahn from YTN World in Austin, Texas, USA.

YTN Mihyang Ahn (

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
