
[국제]War criminal trial admits charges… “Thousands of soldiers surrendering to Mariupol”


The accused pleaded guilty in the first trial held to cover up war crimes committed by Russian forces in Ukraine.

As the number of Ukrainian soldiers who surrendered at the Mariupol Azoustal Works has reached 1,000, the issue of disposing of them has become an international concern.

Reporter Ryu Jae-bok reports.


The accused, Vadim Sisimarin, appears before the court in Kiiu, the capital of Ukraine.

A non-commissioned officer, Shishimarin, was put on trial on February 28 for the murder of a 62-year-old Ukrainian civilian.

At the judge’s interrogation, Shishimarin acquiesced to his crimes.

[바딤 시시마린 / 러시아 군인 : (죄를 완전히 인정하십니까?) 예. (법정에서 증거 제시를 거부하지 않습니까?) 예.]

If found guilty of all charges, Shishimarin could face up to life in prison.

Ukrainian prosecutors say they have identified more than 11,000 Russian military war crimes so far and have arrested more than 50 suspects.

A group of soldiers appears with the Azoustal Works behind it, which has been turned into ruins.

These are the soldiers who survived more than 80 days in Mariupol and surrendered after the Ukrainian government decided to retreat.

Soldiers who have undergone a baggage check and body search will be transferred to hospitals or camps depending on their health status.

In three days, the number of Ukrainian soldiers who surrendered increased to 1,000.

[이고리 코나셴코프 / 러시아 국방부 대변인 : 마리우폴에서는 아조프 민족주의자들과 아조우스탈 공장에서 막힌 우크라이나 군인들이 항복을 계속하고 있습니다.]

The Ukrainian government is preparing to negotiate a prisoner-of-war exchange to bring in surrendered soldiers.

However, the world’s attention is focused on the process of handling prisoners of war as there are strong voices calling for trial in some parts of Russia.

This is YTN Ryu Jae-bok.

YTN Ryu Jae-bok (

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