
[날씨] Cloudy and rain across the country…Intensifying 20 to 30 mm per hour overnight

You should bring an umbrella when you go out today.

Heavy rain is expected across the country.

Currently, it is raining from the metropolitan area and Yeongseo region.

In the eastern and southern regions of Gyeonggi Province, where the temperature is low, a mixture of rain and snow is falling.

The first snow was seen in Chuncheon.

Gradually, rain will spread to most states across the country.

In the future, it will fall from 20 to 80 in the Midwest and South Coast, and from 10 to 50 mm in the Yeongdong and southern regions.

In particular, heavy rain is expected to fall in various places between this afternoon and tomorrow morning.

After the rain stops, it seems that a strong cold wave will come.

The day after tomorrow, the temperature in Seoul will drop to minus 8 degrees Celsius and Thursday to minus 9 degrees, and the perceived temperature will be much lower.

Meanwhile, tonight will be the second football match in our country.

Qatar, where Korea v Ghana will be held, will be mostly sunny.

The temperature will be around 28 degrees.

Once again, the wind will blow.

It will rain gradually throughout the country today.

There will be places where the wind blows strongly around the Gangwon mountains.

The current temperature is 9.6 degrees in Seoul and 4.6 degrees in Daegu, and the temperature during the day will rise to 16 degrees in Seoul and 22 degrees in Busan.

It was the weather.

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