
[단독] Civic groups for middle and high school students at candlelight vigils being investigated as ‘suspects’

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The police have launched an investigation into the group that led the candlelight protests by middle and high school students.

A charge of producing a false poster is said to include the phrase ‘recognition of voluntary work’.

However, there is no content relating to ‘volunteer activity’ in the official poster or the organisation’s information, so the organization protests that it is an investigation into shrinking the activity.

Reporter Kim Jung-woo was covering the story exclusively.

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Secondary school pupils held candlelight vigils this month.

It was held by a group called ‘Candlelight High School Student Civic Coalition’.

This is a poster that spreads on the Internet before and after the rally.

Under the phrase ‘Let’s come together, if we are pushed, we will die, a patriotic rally’, it says ‘Participants in middle and high school candlelight vigils, volunteer hours are recognised’.

The Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education phone number is also listed.

[교육청 관계자]

“The fact that our education office number is listed… (recognition of voluntary service) is ridiculous. There have been many complaint calls.”

In the passport, an offense was raised that the civic association of candlelight middle school students had produced a poster.

[정진석/국민의힘 비상대책위원장(지난달 24일)]

“A group called the Citizens’ Coalition of Candlelight Middle and High School Students encouraged middle and high school students to attend candlelight vigils and distributed publicity posters saying that if they participated in the rally, they would be recognized as volunteer hours. ”

However, this poster is completely different from the official poster produced by the organization.

The group strongly protests that the poster has been deliberately manipulated.

There is no information about the recognition of voluntary work in their official posters and information, and there is no fact that they have not made any related announcements.

[최준호/촛불중고생시민연대 대표]

“You can find out by visiting our group’s website. Even if we want to give volunteer hours, we can’t. It’s ridiculous fake news…”

However, it was confirmed that the police, who initiated the investigation at the request of the Ministry of Education, considered the leadership of the group as ‘a suspect’ and had notified their presence.

[최준호/촛불중고생시민연대 대표]

“(The police) is the representative of the group that said, if you participate in the candlelight vigil, you will get volunteer hours, right? The Ministry of Education filed a complaint.

A police officer said that the poster sent by the Ministry of Education had the account number of the group in question, and that it was considered a request for an investigation into the group.

In response, the Ministry of Education explained that it had only requested an investigation to find “the person who wrote and distributed the fake poster,” and that the institution’s executives were listed as references, not the person who accused.

This is Kim Jeong-woo from MBC News.

Video commentary: Nam Hyeon-taek / Video editing: Jo A-ra

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