
[단독] The fate of the ‘Wangneung View’ apartment… 58m trees need to be planted or 21 floors must be demolished

picture explanationA view of Daegwang-ro Jevian Apartment in Geomdan New Town, Seo-gu, Incheon. Construction of the complex was suspended from September 30th after receiving an order to suspend construction from the Cultural Heritage Administration because it was built without deliberation on cultural properties. [사진 = 유준호 기자]

As a result of analyzing the landscape around the ‘Wangneung View’ apartment, it was found that up to 21 floors of the apartment had to be demolished to meet the height standard. However, even in this case, there is no choice but to see the apartments outside the historical and cultural environment conservation area (500m radius of the royal tomb). A plan to cover the apartment by planting trees raised from some corners was also considered, and the analysis showed that a tree up to 58m tall was required.

Construction companies are showing that it is impossible to ‘partially demolish’ because they cannot remove several floors like cutting logs. This is because, even if it is technically possible, the stability of the remaining building cannot be guaranteed. Even if a decision is made to ‘partially demolish’ in accordance with the height standard, re-construction is inevitable after ‘completely demolished’. Based on this result, the Cultural Heritage Administration plans to conduct additional review in a subcommittee to draw up a final draft.

According to National Assembly Assemblyman Bae Hyun-jin on the 10th, the Cultural Heritage Committee requested a simulation related to the ‘Wangneung View Apartment’ from the Cultural Heritage Administration. This is after the Cultural Heritage Committee decided to ‘hold it’ after deliberation on the improvement proposals made by apartment builders near ‘Gimpo Jangneung’ on the 28th. Daebang Engineering & Construction Edufore Hill, Geumseong Swan Yemiji Triple Edu, and Daegwangro Jevian Apartment are located near Jangneung in Gimpo, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The results of the simulation conducted by the Cultural Heritage Administration’s Royal Relics Headquarters were released on the 8th. Last month, the Cultural Heritage Committee, which suspended construction companies’ improvement plans, revealed the reason that more technical and professional reviews such as simulations for each complex were needed, and this is the first simulation result since. In the simulation, 8 Eduforehill buildings, 3 Yemiji Triple Edu buildings, and 9 Daegwangro Jevian apartment buildings were reviewed.

Change in the highest number of floors in the apartment landscape simulation result of the Royal Tomb View Apartment

picture explanationChange in the highest number of floors in the apartment landscape simulation result of the Royal Tomb View Apartment

In this simulation, the palace ruins headquarters of the Cultural Heritage Administration analyzed the highest apartment height and number of floors based on the height of 20 m, the ridge of the mountain where Jangneung is located in Gimpo, and the height of neighboring apartments. It was concluded that in order to meet the maximum height of 20m, which is the standard for deliberation of cultural properties, all three apartment buildings in question should have four floors.

Analysis that based on the ridge of the mountain where Jangneung is located in Gimpo, Daegwang Geonyeong should build the existing 20 stories into 2~5 stories, Daebang Construction should make the existing 20 stories with 1~19 stories, and the Geumseong Swan should make the existing 25 stories into 6 stories. am. Even if the height is lowered based on the neighboring apartment (Jangneung Samsung Chereville), the height should be lowered to the 13th to 17th floors, the Daebang to the 11th to 18th floors, and the Golden Swan to the 18th to 19th floors.

The Palace Ruins Headquarters of the Cultural Heritage Administration conducted a simulation of the 'Wangneung View' apartment, which is controversial for construction without permission. [자료 = 문화재청]

picture explanationThe Palace Ruins Headquarters of the Cultural Heritage Administration conducted a simulation of the ‘Wangneung View’ apartment, which is controversial for construction without permission. [자료 = 문화재청]

The Cultural Heritage Administration’s standard for landscape review of tombs, gardens, and graves only stipulates that the tomb should have a full view range and that the tomb should be viewed from the opposite mountain (Ansan/案山). This means that it is unclear what criteria the Cultural Heritage Administration will use to determine the height of 20m, the ridgeline, and the height of neighboring apartments, which were considered in the simulation. However, no matter which standard is applied, the story that ‘some demolition is inevitable’ is being talked about inside and outside the Cultural Heritage Administration because the number of existing floors must be lowered. However, as a result of the simulation, even if the problematic apartment building is demolished, it is analyzed that apartments outside the range (500m) of the historical, cultural and environmental preservation area can only be seen in Jangneung, Gimpo, so the problem of ‘effectiveness of demolition’ remains.

Construction companies are in a negative situation even for some demolition. This is because it is impossible to cut out only a part of the building like sawing when the building frame is already up. A construction company official explained, “If any part of the building is decided to be demolished, even if it is technically possible to demolish it, the stability of the remaining building cannot be guaranteed. If construction companies respond to the demolition order through administrative litigation, there is a possibility that the move-in will be delayed for a considerable period of time.

In this simulation, there is also an alternative to planting trees to cover the apartment. It was analyzed that trees of at least 30 m or more are needed when planting trees near Hongsalmun (a wooden gate painted in red in front of the tomb), and trees of 33 m and 58 m, respectively, are needed for planting trees on the ridgeline and in the garden right in front of the apartment. The plan to plant trees was also proposed by lawmaker Lee Byung-hoon of the Democratic Party of Korea on the 21st of last month.

Assemblyman Bae Hyun-jin said, “In the end, it is the prospective apartment tenants who suffer the most between construction companies and the local government’s negligence and the Cultural Heritage Administration’s negligence. “he emphasized.

Even with the possibility of some demolition of the apartment being raised, the prospective apartment tenants are also ready to take action. It is known that on the 14th, Daegwangro Jevian and Yemiji Triple Edu Residents’ Representative Committee will hold a rally in Jangneung, Gimpo.

[유준호 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]