
[백브리핑] A horse that fell down for filming a drama dies… KBS apology

The story behind the news begins with a back briefing.

first briefing anachronistic > is.

Last year, there was one point that came out of the KBS audit of the Korea Broadcasting Corporation.

[홍석준/국민의힘 의원 (2021년 10월 12일) : 용의 눈물이라든지 대조영이라든지 여러가지 큰 과거에 대작이 있었음에도 불구하고 최근 5년 동안 이런 대하사극이 없다…]

[양승동/당시 KBS 사장 (2021년 10월 12일) : 변화된 시청 행태, 또 시청자들의 눈높이 이런 것 때문에 한 6년 정도 방송을 못 했는데 올해(2021년) 12월에 방송하기 위해서 준비하고 있습니다.]

That historical drama is ‘Taejong Lee Bang-won’.

The drama has been embroiled in an animal cruelty controversy.

This is a drama shooting video released by an animal protection group.

The double actor comes running on horseback and suddenly falls over.

As a matter of fact, a rope is tied to the horse’s legs.

People are holding the rope wrapped around the tree on the other side.

When a horse runs and the line runs out, the horse falls over.

The impact is so strong that even those who were holding it stumbled.

The horse flips almost 180 degrees and falls head-on.

The stuntman also falls to the floor and the horse looks painful.

Only after the ‘cut’ sound came out, the staff ran away.

So far this is included in the video.

[조희경/동물자유연대 대표 : 말은 그냥 방치된 상태로 말이 처음에 푸드득데다가 가만히 움직이지 않는 미동 없이 있는 거 보고 이 말에게 굉장한 충격이 가해졌구나 최소한 죽거나 상해를 입었을 것인데 상해를 입어도 치료가 되지는 않을 것 같다라는 판단이…]

KBS made a statement on the afternoon of the 20th.

Unfortunately, this horse died about a week after the incident.

KBS said, “We apologize for the unfortunate incident.”

Animal rights groups are also demanding that standards be established.

[조희경/동물자유연대 대표 : 동물이 상해를 입을 수 있는 장면에 대해서는 컴퓨터 그래픽이라든가 동물이 조금 좀 위협이 되는 그런 신에 대해서는 기준이, 가이드라인이 방송사마다 있어야 되고]

According to the related industry, CG technology was not enough and the concept of animal rights was weak in the past, and it was filmed in this way.

However, these days, in a world where advertising models and singers are more human than people, this is an anachronistic filming. It definitely needs to be improved.

Next briefing The secret of thermal candy? > is.

Candy for sale at the portal site shopping mall.

There are 20 pieces in a box, so each is almost 10,000 won.

I read reviews and advertisements that said it is good for fatigue recovery.

In particular, it is sold under the name of ‘Heat Gongtang’ because it enhances the learning energy of the students.

Is it worth it?

Even though it is out of stock, if you make a reservation to see if there are many people looking for it, you will be contacted as soon as it is imported.

However, the candy that was said to be out of stock is piled up.

They even throw things in the bag on the floor.

It is an illegally imported food confiscated by Busan Customs.

In other words, the expensive candy that I showed you earlier. It’s illegal food.

Analysis of the ingredients revealed that the main ingredient and chemical structure of the erectile dysfunction drug were similar, but there were ingredients that could not be used as food ingredients.

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety also manages it as an ‘unclean substance’, but it can cause serious side effects such as myocardial infarction, high blood pressure, and headaches.

[부산본부세관 관계자 : 성인용품점에서도 판매가 되다 보니까 당연히 발기부전 그런 용도로 판매가 됐고 식약처에서 위해식품으로 등록이 되어 있다보니까 새로운 제품을 한번 만들어보자고 해서 포장 색상 디자인을 바꿔서 말레이시아에 있는 해머캔디 제조 업체에 의뢰를 해서 수입을 한 겁니다.]

So, how did they get through customs?

[부산본부세관 관계자 : 식약처에 수입식품에 대한 신고를 하게 돼 있는데 신고할 때는 그 성분을 정확하게 신고를 하게 되어 있습니다. 그런데 이 사람들은 쇄양하고 데메틸타다라필 성분 신고를 누락을 한 거죠.]

That the documents were tampered with. These gangs were prosecuted at the end of last year and are currently undergoing a first trial.

It was investigated that about 170,000 candies were brought in and sold, but if anyone has purchased them, please do not eat them and discard them immediately.

Today’s back briefing ends here.