
[백브리핑AI] Meritz Fire and Warranties Sudden ‘Closing’… Stock prices are ‘top limit’ By Infostock Daily

© Reuters. [백브리핑AI] Meritz Fire and Warranties Sudden ‘Closing’… Stock price ‘top limit’ one after the other

[인포스탁데일리=김영택 기자] Meritz Financial Group merges Meritz Fire & Marine Insurance and Meritz Securities into wholly owned subsidiaries.

With this news, the stock price of Meritz 3 records the highest limit.

According to the Korea Exchange on the 22nd, Meritz Financial Holdings is trading at 34,750 won, up 29.91% from the previous trading day.

At the same time, Meritz Fire & Marine is trading at 46,350 won, up 29.83%, and Meritz Securities is trading at 5,870 won, up 29.87%.

In the market, transparency and corporate value were deemed to have risen as Meritz Financial Group decided to do a comprehensive stock exchange and complete subsidiary of Meritz Fire & Marine Insurance.

Here, as Meritz Financial Holdings announces a mid-term shareholder return rate of 50%, Meritz Fire & Marine Insurance and Meritz Securities are naturally delisted.

This decision is due to the decision to simplify capital redistribution and decision making by incorporating subsidiaries from both companies.

Specifically, it includes a strategy to proactively respond to capital expansion as well as improve corporate value.

It is interpreted as a measure to ensure liquidity for financing related to the financing of real estate projects.

However, some investors are resisting this sudden decision.

Shareholders who object to the delisting will be able to exercise their appraisal rights if they express their opposition before next year’s general meeting of shareholders.

In addition, Meritz Financial Holdings discloses that it will return 50% of net profit to shareholders for three years, including dividends and the purchase and retirement of treasury stocks.

Since each company’s shareholder return rate has been in the range of 27-40%, Meritz Financial Group’s 50% return policy is evaluated as reasonable.

Comprehensive stock exchanges of financial companies must be approved by the Financial Services Commission, and Meritz Financial Holdings is expected to be reviewed in December.

Reporter Kim Young-taek

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