
[사이언스] UNIST discovers new biological clock gene… Regulates 24-hour sleep cycle: Patent News

▲ Disorder of circadian behavioral rhythm in Tango10 mutant Drosophila / Normal Drosophila (wild-type) and Tango10 mutant Drosophila (Tango10 GG, Tango10 bsr) under light/dark conditions (LD) and continuous darkness (DD) with a 12-hour cycle Comparative analysis of movement. In the DD condition, where the periodicity of animal behavior is maintained only with the individual’s intrinsic biological clock without external stimuli, the Tango10 mutant shows an irregular behavioral cycle. (Image courtesy of UNIST) © Patent News

sleepy 24A new biological clock gene that regulates time periodicity has been discovered.

UNISTDepartment of Life Sciences, Jongbin Lee·Professor Jeong-Hoon Lim’s team slept abnormally low diligent fruit flyat ‘Tango10’ He discovered genetic mutations and identified their neurobiological principles. 22day said.

Tango10 When the gene breaks down, the pacemaker neurons remain excited, disrupting the sleep cycle.. pacemaker neurons 24It is a nerve cell that transmits time cycle information to other nerve cells in the brain so that all nerve cells have the same cycle..

Living organisms respond to environmental changes during the day and at night. 24have a time cycle circadian clock. It is thanks to the biological clock that morning glory blooms during the day and fades at night.. human sleep, brain function, Important physiological functions such as metabolism are also regulated by the biological clock.. Scientists who discovered circadian clock-actuating genes and proteins in fruit fly experiments have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology.

Professor Lim’s research team also 10Searching for yellow fruit fly mutants years ago Tango10 Diligence with a mutation in the gene(busy-run)found fruit flies. Because of the characteristic of sleeping very little, Korean diligentThis mutant fruit fly was named from the etymology of.

As a result of the experiment, the pacemaker neurons of this mutant fruit fly had impaired ability to synchronize the circadian clock.. 24Changes in the shape of nerve endings that should be seen over time(neuroplasticity)there was no, Neuronal excitability was also excessively increased.. A substance secreted by nerve endings to synchronize the biological clocks of other cells. PDF(Pigment-Dispersing Factor) Neuropeptides were also not normal.. PDFIs 24Accumulation and secretion must be repeated in time cycles., Tango10 Mutations in nerve endings PDFcontinued to accumulate.

the researchers Tango10 Genes are involved in the function of these pacemaker neurons and sleep regulation by mediating protein ubiquitination.. Protein ubiquitination is a reaction that breaks down used proteins.

strong evidence to prove this Tango10-Cullin3 Protein complexes were also found. Cullin3is an enzyme widely known for attaching ubiquitin to proteins. This protein complex is located at the ends of pacemaker neurons. 24accumulated over time.

My1Author: Dr. Jongbin Lee(UNIST Research Professor, Department of Life Sciences)Is The results of this experiment are Tango10-Cullin3 The complex is a synapse(part that connects nerve cells)Evidence expected to transmit temporal information that determines sleep cycles by modulating protein ubiquitination inexplained.

Through this, the research team also proposed a new circadian rhythm control model.. Tango10 Genes control the excitability of pacemaker neurons., It is a neuromodulatory peptide that transmits temporal information through this excitability. PDFby regulating the secretion of 24to maintain time-periodic behavior. The amount of potassium ions in neurons plays an important role in regulating neuronal excitability., Tango10It is hypothesized that this specific potassium ion channel controls this cell excitability.. The research team also proved this hypothesis through electrophysiology experiments and computational biology modeling.

Professor Lim Jeong-hoon The cog wheel that turns the biological clock(Gear) Many role genes have already been identified through Nobel Prize-winning researchas discovered this time Tango10 The gene is a gene that plays an important role in the process of actually moving the clock by rotating the cog wheel.explained.

Professor Lim continued “Tango10-Cullin3to find the target protein that is actually degraded by, If we further investigate the relationship with human circadian sleep disorders, we can find clues about the treatment of sleep disorders.expected that.

This study was conducted in collaboration with Professor Ravi Alada of Northwestern University in the United States., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, an international journal (PNAS)to 11month 23It will be officially published on the date.

thesis name The E3 ubiquitin ligase adaptor Tango10 links the core circadianclock to neuropeptide and behavioral rhythms am.
