
[사회]As overseas travel increases, dengue fever rises… “You shouldn’t get bitten by mosquitoes”

Foreign travelers are flocking to countries where entry restrictions have been lifted
The rise of imported infectious diseases… Dengue fever infection in Southeast Asia
There is no vaccine or treatment… The best thing is not to bite mosquitoes
More than 60,000 people infected with dengue fever in Sri Lanka… South Asia beware


Recently, as entry restrictions have been relaxed in many countries, the number of travelers going abroad is increasing rapidly.

Incidences of infectious diseases carried by mosquitoes, such as dengue fever, have increased significantly in the last three years, so you should be especially careful when going to South East Asia.

This is Reporter Kim Pyeong-jeong.


Access restrictions in countries that were difficult due to COVID-19 are being lifted one after another.

Travelers continue to visit countries that do not require negative confirmation and do not require quarantine.

[강순임 / 경기 수원시 매탄동 : 코로나로 인해서 3년 동안 국내에만 있다가 처음으로 해외 나가게 됐는데요. 행선지는 태국으로 가게 됐고, 너무나 설레고 기대가 되고….]

However, as the number of travelers increases, the number of infectious diseases that come from abroad also increases.

Dengue fever is the most common cause of infection in Southeast Asia.

From this year to last month, 59 Koreans have been infected with dengue fever from abroad and entered the country.

Compared to last year, when there were many access restrictions due to Corona 19, there were only 3 people, a significant increase.

After an incubation period of 3 to 14 days, dengue fever causes symptoms such as high fever, headache, skin rash, and muscle pain.

If treatment is delayed, the mortality rate can rise to 20%.

Above all, there is no vaccine or treatment, so the best prevention is to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes, the carrier of the virus.

[정우용 / 국민건강보험일산병원 감염내과 교수 : 뎅기열은 모기를 매개로 발생하는 감염병입니다. 모기에 물리지 않는 것이 가장 중요하겠습니다. 모기에 물리지 않기 위해서 모기퇴치제를 사용해야 할 것이고….]

It is recommended to avoid grass and high mountains where there are many mosquitoes, use mosquito repellents, and wear light colored long sleeved clothes and long pants.

In Sri Lanka, where the rainy season has recently ended, 60,000 dengue fever patients have occurred, three times the number of last year. Travelers going to South Asia should also be careful.

If you have any suspicious symptoms within two weeks of returning home, you should go to hospital immediately.

This is Kim Pyeong-jeong’s YTN.

YTN Kim Pyeong-jeong (

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