
[사회]Coach who pinches and restrains people with developmental disabilities…gets rid of cotton bat despite abuse


A sports leader for the disabled carried out harsh actions such as pulling the ears of a person with developmental disabilities receiving education and trying to forcefully knock them down because he was not following instructions.

The action ended up being abuse, but the leader was only given a warning and criticized for being treated like a cotton bat.

Reporter Yoon Seong-hoon reports.


A facility that helps adults with developmental disabilities learn how to adapt to society.

During a physical education activity, the instructor instructs the person with developmental disabilities who kicked the tool to repeat the movement of sitting down and getting up.

When they don’t follow, the trainer pins the disabled person’s earlobe and pulls the ear so the head turns.

The wild behavior doesn’t stop there.

They try to force you to sit down by riding on your back, and even try to trip your legs.

In the end, another trainer who was with me wrote that he was troubled by excessive physical coercion and abusive behavior while writing that day’s activity log.

The center sees it as an overdose of corporal punishment,

[발달장애인 평생교육센터 관계자 : 장애인체육회 쪽에서 저희 쪽에 파견 나오신 강사예요. 그분에 대해선 체육회 쪽에다가 저희 쪽에 강의하시는 것에 대해서 중지를 시켰고요. 학대 의심 사례에 대해선 장애인체육회 쪽에 통지를 했어요.]

It was also reported to the Disability Rights Advocacy Agency under the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

With the conclusion of abuse, it was judged that there was a problem with the basic soyang sensitivity and the trainer’s human rights, and that improvement was needed.

The Seoul Sports Association for the Disabled, to which the coach belonged, was also advised to think of measures to prevent this from happening again and go through internal discussions.

As a result, the final action taken against the coach was a verbal warning.

The reason is that the problem has been resolved through reflection and an apology to the victim with a disability.

[서울시장애인체육회 관계자 : 수업 중에 과도한 부분은 있었는데 내부적으로 주의 조치를 하고 향후에 그런 게 발생했을 땐 인사위원회에 회부한다는 식으로 정리를 했죠.]

However, there is criticism that the treatment of cotton bats takes lightly the human rights of the disabled.

[윤진철 / 전국장애인부모연대 사무처장 : 경고 정도는 의미가 없잖아요. 학대를 한 행위에 대해서 합당한 처벌이 있어야 한다고 생각합니다. 합당한 처벌이라는 것은 이후에 그것을 예방할 수 있는 방법이라고 생각해요.]

In addition, as the complacent response to the abuse of disabled people continues, there is growing concern that similar incidents will be constantly repeated.

This is YTN Sunghoon Yoon.

YTN Yoon Seong-hun (

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