
[사회]Fully returning to school after the entrance exam… ‘Complete normalization’ will start next year

Full school return for the first time in 2 years after distance learning in the first semester of last year
Principle of face-to-face classes from the first semester of next year… Activities such as competitions and training sessions are possible


All kindergartens, elementary, middle, and high schools across the country will be fully back to school from the 22nd of the following month, after the entrance exam.

From the first semester of next year, all school operations, including school-specific competitions and retreats, will be normalized.

Reporter Kye Hoon-hee reports.


The core of the education sector’s step-by-step recovery plan is the ‘full return to school’ implemented after the entrance exam.

[유은혜 /부총리 겸 교육부장관 : 전국의 모든 유·초·중·고 학교는 11월 1일부터 3주간의 학교 준비 기간을 갖고, 대학수학능력시험 이후인 11월 22일부터 일상회복을 시작하겠습니다.]

It will be about two years since distance learning started due to COVID-19, and schools will be back to normal.

However, other fields will start transitioning to the normal recovery system from next week, but kindergartens, elementary schools, and middle schools will start preparing for normal recovery for 3 weeks from the 1st of next month, and start full school starting on November 22.

Of course, depending on the region and school conditions, 3rd to 6th graders of elementary school can attend more than 3/4 of all students and 2/3 or more of middle and high school students can attend school.

[신진용 / 교육부 교수학습평가과장 : 지역의 감염 정도나 위험 정도, 그리고 학교의 특성, 예를 들면 과대 과밀 학교라거나 학교의 방역 상황을 고려해 자율적으로 학교 밀집도 기준을 정할 수 있다….]

Infants and elementary school students are not subject to vaccination, and the low rate of reservations for 12-17 year olds and high density remain risk factors for quarantine.

[신상엽 / 감염내과 전문의 : 실질적으로 단계적 일상회복을 시도했던 다른 나라들의 경우에도 소아, 청소년 중심의 유행들이 많이 나타나고 있는 게 현실적으로 사실이거든요.]

Regulations on hagwons and reading rooms will also be relaxed from next month.

The limit on the number of people at the academy will be eased from next week, and the operating time limit will disappear after the entrance exam is over.

A full recovery of the school day is expected to be possible only in the first semester of next year.

From the first semester of next year, school-specific competitions and retreats will be possible, and face-to-face classes will be a principle for kindergarten, elementary, middle, and high schools.

The education authorities plan to gradually restore daily school life with the goal of ‘complete normalization’ next year, but plan to establish a close cooperation system with the quarantine authorities in preparation for a sudden deterioration.

This is Kye Hoon-hee from YTN.

YTN Gye Hoon-hee (

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