
[사회]The highest number in two months of seriously ill patients…”Improving the duration of vaccination of the shortened vaccine”


As the resurgence of Corona 19 continues, the damage is increasing, with the number of seriously ill patients recording the highest number in two months.

The quarantine authorities have shortened the vaccination period and encouraged younger people to be vaccinated in order to speed up better vaccination before the peak of the epidemic.

Reporter Shin Yoon-jung reports.


The number of new corona19 patients was 70,324, an increase of 3,700 from a week ago.

The problem is the increasing number of seriously ill patients and deaths.

The number of seriously ill patients increased by 16 from the previous day, the highest in 63 days, and the number of deaths increased by more than 40% from a week ago to 53.

The infection reproduction index also continued to spread, surpassing 1 for 5 consecutive weeks at 1.1, the same as the previous week.

[한덕수 / 국무총리 : 본격적인 추위가 시작되는 계절적 요인을 고려하면 겨울철 재유행에 대한 경계를 절대 늦출 수 없는 상황입니다.]

Fortunately, more and more people are receiving better vaccines recently, and the quarantine authorities have decided to tighten the reins even more.

The vaccination interval, which was four months from the date of vaccination or final confirmation, was shortened to three months to prepare for the peak of the epidemic, which could be earlier than expected.

[최은화 / 예방접종전문위원장 : 변이주, 하위 변이주는 증가 추세에 있고 접종 간격이 경과됨에 따라서 특히 10주, 12주 이상이 경과됨에 따라서 중화항체가가 감소되기 때문에 접종 간격을 단축할 필요성이 있습니다.]

Experts recommended that young people as well as high risk groups should be vaccinated at the right time, as there is no significant difference in effectiveness between the three types of improved vaccines.

[이재갑 / 한림대 감염내과 교수 : 18세 이상의 많은 분들이 접종에 동참해 주시기를 권고를 드리고 싶고, 사실 미국 같은 경우는 이미 허가연령을 6세 이상, 또한 유럽 같은 경우는 12세 이상까지 확대해서 개량 백신 접종을 하고 있거든요.]

The authorities also decided to consider expanding the target for additional vaccination for the improved vaccine to 12 years of age or older.

In addition, it was decided to use only the improved bivalent vaccine instead of the current vaccine to increase the preventive effect, making it inevitable to discard the initial monovalent vaccine.

This is Shin Yoon-jung’s YTN.

YTN Shin Yun-jung (

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