
[아시아에이 TV] Black Desert Pearl Abyss, new class update ‘Maegu’

[아시아에이=강민수 기자] Pearl Abyss has released a battle video of Black Desert Mobile’s new class ‘Maegu’ and Black Desert Mobile’s new class ‘Usa’ with traditional Korean samulnori as the background music.

The video of the battle in Maegu features great fighting dramas against the background of music that recreates the unique rhythm and rhythm of traditional Korean samulnori ‘Samdo Nongak Garak’. The background music for the Usa video also uses the Samchae melody among the Samdonongak melodies, so you can feel the Korean color to the fullest.

Samdo Nongak is a reconstructed folk music rhythm developed in Utdari, Yeongnam, and Honam regions, arranged in Samulnori. The harmony of the gong, gong, janggo and drums express the excitement and harmony of our nation. The flashy moves and movements of the Black Desert, new classes ‘Maegu’ and ‘Woosa’ meet the exciting Samulnori to further excite them.