
[알고보니] Is Korea’s ‘conflict’ number one in the world?

I know it starts.

These are the titles of articles that have recently been cited in the Internet community and are causing controversy.

Korea has become the world’s first in conflict”, “Korea is the place where the cultural war is the most severe”.

It is said that the conflicts in our society are at the level of being recognized as ‘World No.

It is a report published by King’s College UK commissioned by Ipsos, a public opinion polling agency, in June of last year that stated that Korea was ‘the world’s number one in conflict’.

We surveyed 23,000 citizens from 28 countries around the world how serious they felt about 12 conflicts.

These 12 items include the gap between the rich and the poor, supported parties, and political ideology.

In the case of Korea, the percentage of respondents who answered ‘serious’ in 7 items ranked first in the world.

In particular, 91% of the respondents answered that the conflict caused by the gap between the rich and the poor was serious.

This is significantly higher than the global average of 74%.

There is another item in which Korea took the overwhelming first place.

It’s just gender and age.

The proportion of respondents who said that gender and age conflict was severe was about twice as high, reaching 80% in Korea, while the average of 28 countries was 40%.

There are other similar investigations.

If you look at a survey published in 2018 by the same opinion polling organization commissioned by BBC, Korea surveyed about 20,000 citizens from 27 countries. Conflict took first place.

Similar studies were also conducted in domestic studies.

According to data from the FKI last year, Korea’s political, economic, and social conflict index was the highest among the 30 OECD countries, but it was analyzed that its conflict management ability was 27th.

[김누리/중앙대학교 교수]

“There’s a huge vested political class. (So) no conflict is resolved. It’s a sensory awareness that a more intense conflict works in their favor.”

Then, why did the divisions and conflicts in our society come to such a serious level?

Consistent demand from the voters is necessary so that the politicians can come up with a practical solution rather than a textbook declaration on how to close and heal the various conflicts that have intensified through the presidential election.

I know it’s Jun-Hong Jeon.

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