
[영양가있는이야기] 70% of the elderly lack intake? Riboflavin: 100-year-old back news

▲ What kind of nutrient is Riboflavin? © Reporter Kim Young-ho

As you get older, you don’t eat well, and you’re deficient in various nutrients. According to data released by the Korea Health Industry Development Institute, the most deficient nutrient for the elderly is calcium, and 81.3% of the elderly have insufficient intake.

Vitamins are also lacking in the elderly. Vitamin C intake was found to be insufficient in 61.5% of the elderly and vitamin A in 60.5% of the elderly. However, according to the survey, among vitamins, ‘riboflavin’ was found to be insufficient in 70.2% of the elderly, ranking highest among vitamins.

Riboflavin is another name for vitamin B2. Riboflavin acts as a scavenger that literally cleans up unnecessary fat in our body, preventing not only obesity but also cardiovascular disease.

According to Samsung Medical Center, our body uses riboflavin to convert carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into energy in our body. This is because riboflavin is a component of the enzyme needed to break down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

Riboflavin prevents oxidation of fats, but promotes burning and aids in fat metabolism. This property helps to prevent obesity and arteriosclerosis by reducing lipid peroxide, cholesterol, and neutral lipids attached to blood vessels. When the body lacks riboflavin, it is difficult to use fat as an energy source, and it continues to accumulate in our body.

American pharmaceutical company Merck says that if riboflavin is insufficient in the body, first of all, the tip of the mouth and lips hurt, and a lot of dandruff occurs on the head. The lips and tongue may also become magenta. The face looks pale, and there may be pain in the inside of the mouth. Red, oily keratin may appear around the nose, between the nose and lips, and on the ears.

Riboflavin deficiency occurs with a low-vitamin diet, malabsorption, or other B-vitamin deficiencies. Riboflavin deficiency can occur if you don’t eat enough meat, grains, and dairy products on a regular basis. Long-term use of barbituric acid, which is used as a sleeping pill, anti-anxiety agent, and anticonvulsant, can also cause riboflavin deficiency.

So, what foods contain riboflavin? Samsung Medical Center states that riboflavin is abundant in animal foods such as meat, fish, chicken, and dairy products. It is also found in tofu, eggs, grains, and green vegetables.

100 g of quail eggs contain 1.16 mg of riboflavin. This is a plentiful amount equivalent to 77% of the recommended daily intake. Almonds and 100g of cereal also contain 0.92mg and 0.9mg of riboflavin, respectively.

In addition, riboflavin is abundant in foods such as eggs, mushroom, mackerel, and sesame leaves. However, since riboflavin is easily soluble in water, it is easily lost in cooking with water, so be careful. In addition, sunlight and salt easily destroy riboflavin, and drinking alcohol and regular exercise reduce the rate at which the body absorbs it.

According to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, the daily recommended amount of riboflavin is 1.5 mg for men and 1.2 mg for women. However, it may be more necessary, especially for vegetarians and older adults.

[백뉴스=김영호 기자]