
[오늘의 운세] March 31st (Yin February 29th) (Today’s Zodiac Horoscope) (Birthday Horoscope)

Today’s Horoscope March 31 ( Yin February 29 ) (Today’s Zodiac Horoscope) (Birthday Horoscope)

Born in 1996: Spend the day with an obedient heart. Born in 1984: I can quit my job, it’s good to hear other people’s opinions. Born in 1972: In Mt. Cheopcheop, the new plan should be postponed until later. Born in the 60s: If you dare to throw away what you throw away, trouble will go away. 48-year-old: In the morning, work slows down, but in the afternoon, it gets faster.


Born in 1997: There is no need to fret if things don’t go your way, good results will come. Born in 1985: Focus on preparing for everything. Born in 1973: Work doesn’t happen all at once, it’s a good day to try again. Born in 61: You can ruin your job with bluffs, so it is better to show it as it is. 49-year-old: You must not waver in your opinion, it will hurt to listen to others.


Born in 1998: You can miss opportunities because of laziness. Born in 1986: If you decide to go against the norm, you will lose. Born in 1974: We need to fix and correct it to the best of our ability. Born in 62: Financial flexibility, consult your elderly woman. 50-year-old: You will be treated if you keep your morals first. 38-year-old: A day when you can get a chance and make a big profit.


Born in 1999: People who come from the southwest are noble. Born in 1987: Negotiations and work are better to put on hold because predictions are wrong. Born in 1975: Expected to lose money, trading money with colleagues is bad. 63-year-old: As long as you are careful with the documents and seals, it is not unreasonable. Born in 51: When you are prone to quarrels with people around you, you have to be careful about what you say. 39 years old: Beware of accidents caused by carelessness.


Born in ’00: I like the northwest, relationships and travel to the northwest. Born in 1988: It’s good if there’s no sway in your heart when you eat it for the first time. Born in 1976: It takes a lot of hard work, but I get the results I want. Born in 64: Be bold. 52 years old: Authority may fall to the ground. 40-year-old: Pay attention to the brain and nervous system.


<뱀띠(巳)>Born in 2001: Meeting a good mentor will solve your worries. Born in 1989: It is not unreasonable to take on a big responsibility. Born in 1977: The business got out of crisis with the help of a friend. Born in 65: Pursue stability in everything, avoid uncertainties. 53-year-old: There are good results by obtaining a collaborator. 41-year-old: Be careful because difficulties may arise due to the negligence of others.


<말띠(午)>Born in 2002: If you procrastinate, you will be at a loss. Born in 1990: I try my best, but I can’t get my hands on anything. Born in 1978: There is good news in the family. Born in 66: No matter how hard you try, you cannot see results right away. 54-year-old: Don’t rush into a hasty solution. 42-year-old: It’s bad to stay inside the house, it’s good to go outside.


Born in 1991: Money transactions are bad, and people you trust can be disappointed. Born in 1979: blinded by greed and forsaking faith, he returns to his faults. Born in 1967: What you feared becomes a reality, prepare for the next best thing. 55 years old: It’s a disadvantage if you hold on without compromise. 43-year-old: A day that always leads to profit.


Born in 1992: Don’t trust the words that come out of someone’s mouth. Born in 1980: If the price of a product has risen now, it will fall back to its original state. 68-year-old: If you properly understand your intentions, you can reduce losses. Born in 56: The day the real thing fell into the hands of others and it is difficult to find. 44-year-old: A sleep aid, beware of fatigue from overwork.


Born in 1993: Don’t engage in irrelevant work, discomfort will follow. Born in 1981: Choose one of the two, there is no harm in choosing either. Born in 69: Difficulty in peace of mind, beware of family strife. 57 years old: Concentrate on your work, losing sight of it. 45-year-old: Embrace the people you don’t like with patience.


Born in 1994: You can get things wrong with overconfidence. Born in 1982: Other people’s rice cakes look big, but there’s no difference, when greed stirs up anger. Born in 1970: A day when you need to broaden your horizons, not just look in front of your eyes. 58-year-old: Good results if you do what others used to do. Born in 46: You may get sick while traveling, so bring emergency medicine.


<돼지(亥)>Born in 1995: Even if the flow is not smooth, you can get the desired result, proceed positively. Born in 1983: A day when even difficult things turn out to be advantageous. Born in 1971: It’s good to follow a place where a lot of people gather. 59-year-old: Leave even small tasks to others and let your body rest. 47-year-old: It is better to follow other people’s opinions rather than my own.

Jukpyeong Cheol Academy Lee Kyung-mook

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