
[자막뉴스] U.S.-Europe, Ukrainian view, alliance rift has begun?

Ukraine, which has given up key bases in the eastern region to Russia one after another, is making it clear that it will fight to the end despite the bitter struggle.

[볼로디미르 젤렌스키 / 우크라이나 대통령 : 전쟁을 끝낼 결심은 침략자가 해야 합니다. 우리는 완전한 영토수복이 보장될 때까지 끝까지 싸울 겁니다.]

In the midst of this, the United States promised to provide 1 trillion won worth of weapons, the largest amount since the war.

He dismissed the once-signed truce and emphasized that he would not make any decisions against the will of Ukraine.

Leaders of France, Germany and Italy also made a blitz visit to the capital, Kiiu, to show off their strong solidarity.

It also expressed support for Ukraine’s accession to the EU, along with additional arms support.

However, on the eve of his visit to Ukraine, French President Macron revealed the complexities of the talks by referring to the need for a ceasefire.

[엠마뉘엘 마크롱 / 프랑스 대통령 : 우리는 평화를 구축하길 원합니다. 어느 시점에서는 휴전을 위한 협의가 시작 되어야 한다는 이야기입니다.]

In Europe, the economic crisis is becoming visible due to rising energy and food prices, and public opinion is also not serious.

In a recent opinion poll, the opinion that the war should end even if some territory is taken away from Ukraine outweighed those who advocated retaliation by Russia.

Europe has begun to negotiate an armistice with the U.S., which seems to be putting pressure on Ukraine to give up its territory.

That’s why some analysts say a rift is starting between the western alliance.

This is Kwon Jun-ki from YTN.

Video editing: Lee Young-hoon
Subtitle News: Lee Mi-young

[저작권자(c) YTN 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]