
[전국][단독] Even with organized fraud, ‘helpless’… even if you report it, it’s time

Using common fraudulent accounts for the same criminal schemes
Second-hand transaction fraud involves ‘organized crime’
Account fraud cannot be stopped immediately
Even if you report it, it can take more than 3 weeks to appoint an investigator.


Reports of rampant Internet ‘second-hand transaction fraud’ continue today.

It is easy to think of second-hand trading fraud as an isolated problem at first glance, but recently it has become organised.

However, neither the police nor the second-hand trading site companies have been able to come up with any countermeasures.

Reporter Hong Seong-wook reports why.


A commonly used account for hundreds of second hand trade scams.

And the same criminal tactic that follows.

Second-hand trade fraud is no longer a person-to-person scam, but an organized crime.

An official of a second-hand trading platform directly mentioned this fact.

[신지영 / 당근마켓 서비스 운영팀장 (지난달 7일 행안위 국정감사) : 현장에서 보다 보면 집단적으로, 조직적으로 사기 치는 경우도 있습니다. 그런 거를 저희가 발견했음에도 불구하고 현재는 경찰에 신고할 수 있는 루트가 없습니다.]

As a result, the number of victims continues to increase.

However, it is treated as a transactional problem between individuals, so it is difficult to stop paying immediately like voice phishing.

Even if a police report is filed, it can take more than three weeks to recruit victim cases across the country and transfer and assign them to a specific police station investigator.

Victims complain about the police response.

[중고거래 사기 피해자 : 피해자가 전국적으로 다 여기저기 막 나오기 때문에 이걸 수사하는 경찰관이 제일 먼저 수사한 수사관을 기다리고 있어요. 가장 먼저 수사를 시작한 수사관을 찾아서 그쪽으로 다 이첩을 시키려고 아무도 수사를 안 하고 계속 기다리는 거예요.]

Even if a case is assigned, some victims are angry, saying they don’t know how long it will take before a formal investigation begins.

I spoke with a police department’s Cyber ​​Crime Investigation Team who are investigating an incident reported by the victim a month ago.

I asked if the second-hand transaction fraud could be reported to the media, and they said they were still accepting cases.

[경북 ○○경찰서 사이버범죄수사팀 : 그게 제보가 되는 거에요? 하하하…. 피해자분이 좀 많으신가요? 전국적으로 지금 사건이 계속 들어오니까 그걸 모아서 한 번에 수사할 예정입니다.]

In some cases, the victims could not stop it and went directly to the owner of the canon bank account and asked whether the crime had been committed or not.

However, the account owner denied taking part in the fraudulent crime, saying he was also a victim.

[중고거래 사기 피해자 : 옛날에 내가 대출받으려고 어떤 사람한테 내 개인 정보 줘서 통장 만들라고 한 적은 있어도 내가 이렇게 사기에 이용된 지 몰랐다, 내 통장에 5천 원밖에 없다, 이러더라고요.]

Police investigation with no progress even after reporting it.

Right now, when only victims are concerned, scammers are looking for another victim.

This is YTN’s Hong Seong-wook.

Sungwook Hong from YTN (

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