
[전국]100,000 won per case…Accomplices in the increasing number of voice phishing cash collection books


It is very difficult to find a part-time job after the COVID-19 crisis.

However, if you take the money and deposit it, it is said that each case is 100,000 won.

That’s voice phishing.

Due to the nature of the crime, it is difficult to catch the main culprit, and job seekers with financial difficulties often become accomplices in the ‘cash collection plan’.

Reporter Ji-hwan reports.


A multi-purpose room in an apartment building in Chuncheon, Gangwon-do.

A man in his 30s enters an empty house and opens the washing machine door.

[보이스 피싱 현금 수거책 : 여기 안에 있어요? 네. 있어. 있어. 있어.]

This is the moment when you become a voice phishing criminal by running errands for money.

Two men standing in a vacant lot, exchanging cash.

I was deceived and became an accomplice when I was told that I could only take money and send it through an ATM.

There have been cases where he applied for a job to a part-time job agency and then took part in a crime.

100,000 won per case, I couldn’t resist temptation.

[보이스피싱 현금 수거책 (20대, 1심서 집행유예) : 이력서를 올렸었는데 단순 수거 알바라고 연락이 와서. 건당 10만 원씩 준다고. 채무가 많아서 계좌도 없고 통장도 없는 사람들이 빚을 상환하기 어려우니까 제가 대신 수거해서 ATM으로 입금하면 되는 거라고….]

If you look at the voice phishing cash collection books arrested after the COVID-19 crisis, it does not discriminate between age groups.

The number of teenagers and 20s, as well as those in their 30s and 40s looking for a job, housewives, office workers and foreigners also increased significantly.

In particular, due to the nature of the crime, which often fails to catch the main culprit, the sentence received at trial after arrest is not light even for a simple cash collection task.

In major court decisions, sentences are often sentenced to imprisonment, regardless of the amount, age, or agreement.

[정별님 / 변호사 : 현재 전국 법원의 보이스 피싱 수거책 재판이 굉장히 많습니다. 수거책의 경우에도 사기죄나 사기 방조죄가 적용돼서 엄히 처벌받고 실형이 선고되는 경우가 많고.]

If you have a part-time job that pays too much for your job or if you use a secure messenger for an interview, you should first suspect voice phishing.

Police also advise that criminal gangs often require various documents or family contact information in advance to prevent interception of the money collected.

This is YTN Jihwan.

YTN Jihwan (

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