
[전국]Spring flowers ‘roughly’ seasonally misunderstood… Flowering period is in full swing due to unusual weather


The winter season has passed, but spring flowers that mistake the season are blooming here and there.

Concerns are growing that the variability of spring flower blooming times due to extreme weather events such as global warming may have a significant impact on the ecosystem.

Reporter Song Se-hyeok covered the story.


Autumn, which was full of colorful leaves, fell one by one and entered the end.

The apple blossoms that bloom in spring shyly open their white petals on the bare branches.

The yellow forsythia was also blooming profusely along the shore of the lake as if spring had arrived.

This is different from winter migratory birds such as mallards visiting the lake announcing the change of seasons.

[김수빈 / 강원도 강릉시 강문동 : 개나리가 11월에 피니까 신기하기도 하면서 이상기후가 생겼구나 싶어서 걱정도 되는 것 같아요.]

Wild azaleas, the ‘messengers of spring’, burst into purple buds along the roadside where the sun shone.

Butterflies preparing for winter come and go industriously gathering nectar from spring flower petals.

[장정은 / 국립한국자생식물원 주임 : 기온이 올라갔을 때는 겨울을 지나서 봄이 온 줄 알고 호르몬적으로 착각을 해서 개화하는 경우고요.]

Extreme weather changes are also confirmed on the average blooming time of spring flowers.

As a result of the National Institute of Forest Science’s analysis of 147 tree species over the past 17 years, the average flowering period varied widely compared to the 60s and 70s.

From 2010 to 2013, when the unusual cold wave hit, the flowering time was delayed by an average of 3 days, but in the following two years, on the contrary, due to the abnormally high temperature, it flowered an average of 8 days earlier. .

[김선희 / 국립산림과학원 연구관 : (식물과) 관련된 곤충과 새의 활동 시기에도 영향을 미치기 때문에 기상이변의 빈도가 증가하고 또 지속된다면 생태계의 안정성과 생물다양성에도 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.]

Spring flowers blooming without knowing it can be nature’s silent warning about the climate crisis.

This is YTN Song Se-hyeok.

YTN Song Se-hyeok (

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