
[전국]The temptation of silver grass, golden waves and ‘red turkey’… Dreaming of the first national city park!


The Incheon Sorae Wetland Ecological Park is spectacular at the moment with golden prairie grass and a red halophyte called ‘chilmyuncho’.

It is called ‘turkey grass’ because it changes color every second like a turkey.

The local government plans to expand the coastal wetlands, including the Chilmyeoncho colony, into Korea’s first national urban park.

Reporter Kang Seong-ok reports


Sorae Wetland Ecological Park is an ecologically restored coastal wetland with tidal flats and salt fields.

It is a habitat for a variety of wetland creatures and a habitat for migratory birds.

It is located in the estuary where the Jangsucheon, which originates from Mt. Seongju and Soraesan of Hannammaek, flowing into the sea off Incheon.

Among the rivers in Incheon, this is the only place where the estuary is not blocked and has a great view.

A red windmill creates an exotic scene in the field of golden waved pampas grass.

Anyone who comes here will automatically press the camera shutter.

[방극두 / 수원시 정자동 : 소래습지가 풍경도 아름답고 날씨도 좋고 해서 시시각각 변하는 풍경을 담고 싶어서 나와 봤습니다.]

A large colony of turkey grass, which resembles a turkey, forms on the tidal flat.

In the coastal area of ​​Incheon, on windy days like this, natural salt and fine particles of soil become stuck, creating a thick ‘salt fog’ as it is called.

The halophytes such as turkey grass and red sea herbs defeated the salt fog that was a major threat to the flight operations of Incheon International Airport.

At the time of the development of the airport, large quantities of halophyte seeds were sprayed on the tidal flats, which alleviated concerns about fog and gave us a unique landscape that changes color every second.

[박종효 / 인천시 남동구청장 : 저희 그 소래습지생태공원이 국가 1호 도시공원으로 지정된다면 정말 명실상부한 수도권 최고의 생태휴식공간이 될 것입니다.]

With the goal of 2028, Incheon City will be reborn as a special environmental city when 6.6 million square meters from the Sorae Wetland Ecological Park to the Songdo Tidal Flat, a Ramsar wetland, is designated as a national urban park.

This is Kang Seong-ok’s YTN.

YTN Kang Seong-ok (

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