
[정치]尹 “Would it have been a North Korean nuclear problem if the principles had been followed?”


He emphasized that if President Yoon Seok-yeol had responded consistently to the North Korean issue, he would not have faced the nuclear threat of North Korea as it is now, and that he should keep his principles even in the cargo unity situation.

I refer to ‘laws and principles’ every day, and I’m prepared to give an additional startup order, but I think I’m going to keep an eye on the situation.

This is reporter Jo Eun-ji.


President Yoon Seok-yeol attended the National Prayer Breakfast with his wife, Kim Kun-hee.

He said that the call to defend liberal democracy is no different from the teachings of Jesus, and that the way to stick to principles is the way to truly embrace the disadvantaged and overcome complex crises.

[윤석열 / 대통령 : 자유와 연대의 정신이 살아 숨 쉬고 법과 원칙이 바로 서는 나라를 만들기 위해 최선을 다하겠습니다. 국민과 국가를 위하는 길이라면 어떠한 어려운 길을 마다하지 않고 걸어가겠습니다.]

Even in religious events, ‘laws and principles’ were emphasized, which was interpreted as once again expressing a strong response to the recent refusal of transport by the cargo solidarity group.

In a recent closed staff meeting, President Yoon is said to have asked in retrospect whether the current nuclear threat from North Korea would have existed if the principle of never allowing nuclear weapons had been consistently upheld regardless of the left or right camp or the age

Several officials in the presidential office compared North Korea’s behavior to the cargo union, explaining that they said if they gave in to lawlessness and violence, the vicious cycle would repeat, and that the leadership of the cargo union leadership should be harsh in blocking, frightening. , and revenge.

In the power of the people, we went one step further and launched an ‘ideological offensive’ that linked the leadership of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions and the North Korean regime before a general strike.

[성일종 / 국민의힘 정책위의장 : (민주노총 홈페이지에는) 한미 연합훈련을 반대하고, 한미일 군사협력 반대, 국보법 폐지 등 북한의 주장이 그대로 올라와 있습니다. 조선노동당의 2중대가 아니라면 어떻게 이런 글들이 올라올 수 있겠습니까?]

However, the President’s office was wary of an extended interpretation, saying it had revealed a zero-tolerance principle for cargo unity.

The government is also ready to issue an order to start additional operations for cement, oil refining and steel.

However, at the moment, it is considered to be a rather manageable situation, so it seems that today (6th) we will take a breather at the cabinet meeting.

Coincidentally, in a Realmeter poll, President Yoon regained his approval rating in the top 30% range in five months, and the President’s office interpreted that public sentiment was responding by simply setting the principles right.

This is Jo Eun-ji from YTN.

YTN Cho Eun-ji (

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