
[정치]Facing a ‘complex crisis’ in approval ratings?…Breaking through the convergence of public opinion and diplomacy

Public opinion deteriorated due to overlap between Jeong Soon-shin, Korea-Japan relations, and working hours.
Government approval rating ‘complex crisis’… Jang persuades public by ‘talking’
The government and the ruling party are busy persuading the MZ from the ‘cast boat’
Office of the President “We will raise approval ratings through diplomatic action by May”
The direction of cabinet reorganization and reorganization before and after the first year of inauguration is also a ‘point to watch’.

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As controversy rages over the recent Korea-Japan summit and the reorganization of working hours, President Yoon Seok-yeol’s approval rating for state affairs remains in the early 30%.

The President’s office analyzes that he has reached a low point, and the plan is to raise the approval rating through diplomatic actions such as a state visit to the United States and Korea-US-Japan talks until May, the first year of the inauguration .

Reporter Park So-jeong reports.


After announcing the solution to forced labor, the Korea-Japan summit, and even a dinner where wine reconciliation was exchanged.

[윤석열 / 대통령 (지난 16일) : 양국 간 불행한 역사를 극복하고 한일 간 새 시대를 여는 첫걸음이 되었습니다.]

Public opinion was one color welcome in Japan, but it was different in Korea.

In addition, as the working hours reform bill, known as the 69-hour working week system, was not liked by young people, the government’s approval rating dropped to 33%.

Although it recovered 1%c in a week, it is still in the low 30%.

Following the controversy surrounding the poor authentication of the lawyer Jeong Soon-shin, who fell from the horse due to the abuse of his son, the relationship between Korea and Japan and the issues of working hours have piled up.

In addition, as the National People’s Power Convention came to an end, the so-called ‘convention effect’ disappeared, and analysis revealed that the conversion of the young people who supported Lee Jun-seok was having an effect.

The government’s approval rating is surrounded by the so-called ‘complex crisis’, and this is the background that President Yoon was able to persuade the public directly through comments in the State Council, which are no different from public discussions.

[윤석열 / 대통령 (지난 21일) : 편한 길을 선택해서 역대 최악의 한일관계를 방치하는 대통령이 될 수도 있었습니다.]

[윤석열 / 대통령 (지난 21일) : 주당 60시간 이상 근무는 건강보호 차원에서 무리라고 하는 생각은 변함이 없습니다.]

The government and the ruling party are busy persuading the MZ generation, which can become a casting boat for next year’s general election.

[국민의힘 지도부, MZ 노조와 치맥 회동 : 올바른 노동시장과 내일을 위하여!]

The President’s office believes that the current approval rating has reached the floor.

Accordingly, the idea is to focus on diplomacy and maximize support for state affairs by May, the first anniversary of his inauguration.

Following a state visit to the United States at the end of April, talks between Korea-USA-Japan are expected in May, and an official in the presidential office said the aim is to receive as many gifts as possible that will help the economy by the United States. States and Japan.

The direction of state affairs shown in the reshuffle of the cabinet and the reshuffle of the president’s office, which will take place before and after the first year of President Yoon’s inauguration, will also be an observation point for breakthroughs in the opinion of the public.

This is YTN Park So-jeong.

YTN Sojeong Park (

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