
[정치]Insu Committee and the Democratic Party, the supplementary budget ‘same dream’… one after another confrontation


When the Presidential Transition Committee pressures the Moon Jae-in government to restructure its expenditures to prepare an additional supplementary budget, the Democratic Party of Korea is expressing antipathy.

Although consensus was reached on cooperation for the livelihood of the people, including the supplementary budget, the confrontation over Yoon Seok-yeol’s policy initiatives is in full swing.

Correspondent Jo Seong-ho.


The ruling and opposition party leaders, who met presided over by the Speaker of the National Assembly, decided to hold a plenary session on the 5th of next month to deal with livelihood bills that do not have issues.

Before the local elections, they decided to set up a consultative body between the ruling and opposition parties to discuss election laws, etc.

In particular, there was one voice calling for an additional budget to compensate for the loss of COVID-19.

[김기현 / 국민의힘 원내대표 : 소상공인·자영업자들의 손실보상 문제, 하루라도 빨리 처리될 수 있도록 추경을 마련하는 시기를 최대한 앞당겨서 진행했으면 좋겠다….]

[박홍근 / 더불어민주당 원내대표 : 국민의힘이 인수위와 함께 추경의 그림을 한 번 제시하면…. 속도감 있게, 완전하게 보상하는 방향으로 가면 좋겠다는 생각입니다.]

But when it comes to funding, I have a different opinion.

The transition committee is strongly pressing the current government to create an additional budget plan through appropriation restructuring, but

[원일희 / 대통령직인수위원회 수석부대변인 : 기획재정부에 저희가 강력하게 요청했습니다. 하루라도 좀 빨리 만들어달라…. 기재부가 현재 만들고 있고, 현재 논의 중인 상황입니다.]

The Democratic Party has great antipathy to the Moon Jae-in government’s main project budget while reducing it.

[김성환 / 더불어민주당 정책위의장 (KBS라디오 ‘최경영의 최강시사’) : 문재인 정부가 편성한 예산을 스스로 어디에선가 깎아야 하는 건데 그러면 이게 일종의 자기 부정이 되잖아요.]

Regarding the takeover committee’s policy to abolish or reduce the 3rd lease law, the Democratic Party poured out a sharp reaction, saying, “I am concerned about the use of bridges” and “retreating the tenant’s right to reside.”

Although he did not oppose the relocation plan of President-elect Yoon Seok-yeol’s office, he continued to keep checks and checks to submit a detailed budget proposal and institutionalization plan to the National Assembly.

In addition, the Democratic Party is raising the level of pressure every day even with the introduction of a major constituency system for basic members of the National Assembly, where the power of the people is passive.

However, the door to dialogue was not completely closed as the transition committee responded that the transition committee would naturally reflect it on the national agenda to the Democratic Party’s proposal to push forward the common promises made by the opposition parties during the election.

As President-elect Yoon Seok-yeol’s national agenda reveals detailed outlines one by one, it seems that the DPRK’s check-in system, which has a huge seat, will become even tougher.

This is YTN Jo Seong-ho.

YTN Jo Seong-ho (

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