
[정치]Lee, spearheading the rent offensive and toll reorganisation…


Facing criticism from inside and outside the party due to a prosecution by the prosecution, Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myeong is about to break through the judicial risk directly through a rental offense and party reorganization expected this week.

The power of the people was broken down to show that Lee, the ‘national representative who follows private interests’, was competent to speak about national interests, and to show the order to refrain from internal attacks.

This is reporter Kim Seung-hwan’s report.


On the occasion of the 113th anniversary of Ahn Jung-geun’s martyrdom, Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myeong emphasized that correcting the Yoon Seok-yeol government’s inferior diplomacy is the way to honor the noble spirit.

Representative Lee Jae-myeong is raising the level of offensiveness aimed at the Yoon Seok-yeol government’s foreign policy to the extent of attending a rally against Japan for three consecutive weeks.

[이재명 / 더불어민주당 대표(지난 25일) : 일본에 유익하기만 한 강제동원 해법이라고 내놓은 것이 대체 우리에게 어떤 이익을 주었습니까. 추가 청구서만 잔뜩 손에 들려주지 않았습니까.]

At the party level, the ruling party was also under pressure from a state affairs investigation to uncover the truth about diplomacy with Japan, including a third-party refund offer.

[임오경 / 더불어민주당 대변인 : 가해자인 일본이 피해자인 대한민국에 큰소리치게 만든 윤석열 정권의 굴종외교를 국정조사로 낱낱이 규명하고 심판할 것입니다.]

While the Democratic Party is trying to mobilize its supporters on the basis of the loan fight, it is expected that the internal conflict of the party will soon become more intense by reorganizing the party’s position.

The strength of the people said that the place where the criticism of the Democratic Party should be directed is to remember that North Korea, which threatens us, is not competent to discuss national interests.

[김민수 / 국민의힘 대변인 : 사법의 심판 앞에서는 자신의 방탄을 위해 공당을 남용하고 있는 ‘사익 추구 국가대표’ 아닙니까.]

In addition, he insisted that Lee’s words, asking strong supporters to refrain from internal attacks, were close to showing.

[김예령 / 국민의힘 대변인 : 정작 이재명 대표는 ‘중재자’ 코스프레만 하고 있을 뿐입니다. ‘개딸’들과의 ‘결별’은 커녕 ‘개딸’들을 이용해 자신의 정치적 목적을 이루려는…]

In addition, starting with the Grain Management Act, which was passed without agreement with the ruling party, and the handling of the Broadcasting Act, which was referred directly to the plenary, it is expected that the similarities between the opposition parties continue as seen. lighters everywhere.

This is Kim Seung-hwan’s YTN.

YTN Kim Seung-hwan (

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