
[정치]President Moon presides over today’s special quarantine inspection meeting… Discussion on strengthening quarantine


As the number of new COVID-19 cases does not decrease even over the weekend, and the fear of a new mutant virus increases, quarantine is literally an emergency.

In the midst of this, the government held a special quarantine inspection meeting presided over by President Moon Jae-in today to discuss whether to strengthen quarantine.

Reporter Hong Seon-ki reports.


The spread of COVID-19 is not slowing down with the weekend effect disappearing.

In addition, the news of the emergence of a new mutated virus ‘Omicron’ seems to increase the sense of crisis.

When the situation is not serious, President Moon Jae-in again presides over a special quarantine inspection meeting after four months and discusses countermeasures.

The Blue House explained that this meeting is a place to evaluate the implementation of the gradual recovery of daily life after four weeks.

He said that he would check the treatment system and additional vaccinations, as well as the quarantine status, and discuss countermeasures.

The most attention-grabbing part is whether or not the quarantine measures will be strengthened again after 4 weeks of gradual daily recovery.

The government has already raised the need to strengthen quarantine since last week.

[김부겸 / 국무총리(지난 25일) : 단계적 일상회복을 지탱해줄 만큼, 현재의 의료대응 체계가 갖추어져 있는지, 그리고 개선한다면 무엇을 먼저 보완해야 할지에 대한 논의도 중요합니다.]

Originally, on the 26th, it was planned to confirm and announce some strengthening of quarantine measures in the main script, but it was postponed due to opposition from the self-employed and small business owners.

It is reported that the quarantine authorities are strongly reviewing measures to expand the scope of application of the ‘Quarantine Pass’ rather than limiting business hours.

After the special quarantine inspection meeting, the government plans to hold a joint briefing with related ministries and announce the results of the meeting, including whether or not to strengthen quarantine measures.

This is YTN Hong Seon-gi.

YTN Sunki Hong (

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
