
[정치]South Korea and the United States coordinate measures for Afghanistan… Pay attention to transitional government formation, etc.


As the Taliban’s reign of terror has led to a series of victims and a continuous procession of refugees, voices are calling for the government’s role in the Afghanistan crisis.

The government is contemplating countermeasures with its allies including the United States, but it is still cautious as it has to watch the Taliban’s future transitional government formation and human rights policies.

This is reporter Lee Kyo-jun’s report.


106 civil society groups, including the Solidarity for Participation and the Refugee Human Rights Network, urged the government to prepare measures to protect Afghan refugees.

In particular, he raised his voice to protect local residents and their families, including medical staff and interpreters who worked with Korean non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

[이 일 / 공익법센터 어필 변호사 : 한국 정부는 아프간 지방재건팀과 관련 기관에서 일했던 현지인과 가족들의 상황을 파악하고 안전 보호 대책을 마련해야 한다.]

The government is conscious of such voices, exchanging information with allies, including the United States, and trying to play a role in resolving the Afghan crisis.

Ambassador Lee Soo-hyuk to the United States said in a meeting with correspondents on the 19th that close consultations between South Korea and the United States were in progress regarding the resolution of the Afghanistan crisis.

Although the government is paying attention to the fact that the refugee issue has emerged as an international issue since the Taliban took power, it is still cautious in terms of active involvement and resumption of humanitarian aid.

Above all, the concern is whether the Taliban will make forward-looking movements, such as establishing a transitional government that embraces moderates, because it is difficult to be optimistic.

[박현도 / 서강대 유로메나연구소 연구교수 : 국제사회 안심시키기 위한 방식으로 채택할 수 있지만 실질적으로 탈레반이 권력을 내주면서 또는 권력을 공유하면서 그런 것은 그동안 탈레반이 한 행태를 보면 기대하기 어렵습니다.]

It is also an area that is paying attention to whether it will turn to an extreme anti-human rights policy against women.

As we are keeping pace with the US government, public opinion trends in the US on the decision to withdraw US troops are also expected to act as a major variable in Afghanistan policy coordination in the future.

This is Kyojun Lee from YTN.

YTN Kyojun Lee (

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
