
[정치]The Board of Audit and Inspection, followed by the Korea Communications Commission, also audited the ACRC… Pressure to resign in earnest?


As the Board of Audit and Inspection undertook a full-scale audit of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission following the Korea Communications Commission, attention is focused on the background of the audit.

In particular, the heads of the two institutions that are being audited were appointed during the Moon Jae-in administration and are representative people who are pressured to resign from the current government’s ruling party.

Reporter Kim Se-ho on the sidewalk.


Jeon Hyun-hee, chair of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission, appeared in the National Assembly’s Political Affairs Committee on the 27th.

People’s Power lawmakers continued to press for the resignation of Chairman Jeon Hyun-hee, who was appointed during the Moon Jae-in administration, and the former chairman repeatedly stated that he had no intention of backing down.

[송석준 / 국민의힘 의원 : 보다 국정과제에 대한 이해가 높은 분이 지금 대기하고 있는데 본인이 그 분보다 윤석열 대통령을 더 존경하고 더 이 철학을 같이 하면서 과제를 성실히 이행할 수 있다고 생각하세요?]

[전현희 / 국민권익위원장 : (권익위원장은)법령과 법에 정해진 업무와 임무를 공정하고 독립적으로 수행하는 것을 보장하는 임무를 맡고 있습니다. 이러한 업무를 충실히 수행하겠다는 말씀 드립니다.]

In the midst of this, the Board of Audit and Inspection notified the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission of the following day, the 28th, that it would conduct an audit on ‘service-related matters, etc.’ .

The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission had already undergone regular audits every three to five years last year, but the Board of Audit and Inspection conducted another audit after one year.

In a statement, the Board of Audit and Inspection said, “There are media reports related to LH public service discipline and reports from the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission.

He emphasized that, unlike regular audits, the Special Investigation Bureau is a department that conducts public office inspections from time to time.

Since the 25th, the Korea Communications Commission has also been conducting actual audits with about 10 auditors from the Board of Audit and Inspection.

Chairman Han Sang-hyeok, who is a representative agency head under pressure from the ruling party to resign along with Chairman Jeon Hyun-hee, did not hide his discomfort.

[한상혁 / 방송통신위원장 : 개인적으로는 정기감사라는 업무범위를 넘어서는 것이 아닌가 하는 개인적인 우려는 가지고 있습니다.]

Earlier, on the 6th, the Board of Audit and Inspection also requested the Korea Development Institute to submit audit-related materials, and former Director Jang-pyo Hong said that he felt pressure to resign.

The Board of Audit and Inspection has repeatedly emphasized that there is no political intent in relation to the audit, but depending on the results of the audit, the political aftermath is likely to be severe.

This is YTN Kim Se-ho.

YTN Kim Se-ho (

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